Those who live in Western nations and are not food insecure are probably also those who virtually never fast, for because food is plentiful and easily available, they have ingrained within their habits the necessity of eating food, for food is the fuel for our physical body. While it is true that bread has its place in our diet, it has been said that “man does not live by bread alone,” which signifies that to be overly concerned about having to have food at particular times of the day, every single day, ad nauseam, is a road well-traveled, but isn’t really the best road for any of us to be on.
Indeed, those who want to maintain their health, need to recognize that we, through our mind and through our spirit, are the masters of our body, so to allow thereby our body to continually dictate to us, that we must eat three meals a day, are else we will die, or be in poor health, is simply not true. Instead, we should recognize that even our physical body and the organs that we utilize to process the food that we ingest, should themselves, have an occasional day off, in order to give them a chance to cleanse themselves as well as to reinvigorate those organs. So too, it is well known by the medical profession, that certain illnesses must be starved of food, in order for us to more effectively recover from that illness, for food necessitates bodily processes to digest that food, which can serve to overload more a body that is already overloaded enough, and not feeling well.
Additionally, each of us needs to value self-discipline, because those who insist that everything that entices them, should or must be indulged, or the very same who have not learned self-control, and by virtue of that fact, are prone to making decisions that are not going to be beneficial to them. While it is true that our bodies need nutrition, it is also true that our bodies do not need to have that nutrition day in and day out, with nary a break. Also, anytime that we fast, it gives us the opportunity to appreciate those things that we take for granted, such as having good food, and to recognize therefore that each of us needs to spend some part of our day, in appreciation of the gifts that have been bestowed upon us, that we habitually don’t pay much attention to, until they have been taken away from us or have become damaged.
It also should be noted, that America used to be a country in which occasionally our President, would call for the nation to have a day of fasting, so proclaimed to the people by John Adams, James Madison, and Abraham Lincoln. After all, when any nation decides that its people should never humble themselves, or confess their sins, or to pay homage to their Creator, by an act of the sacrifice of the eating of food for one day, then that people have forsaken that which is sacred, for that which is secular, and done so, to their own sure damnation.