We read in the Holy Scripture “…Shouldn’t the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). Indeed, our God is a just, fair, and loving God, whose judgments are forever perfect as there cannot be and will never be any error within God. This thus signifies that for those of us who know that we have done wrong, that we really should tremble that our God is just, for there will come that day, that cannot be postponed forever, in which God will judge us, and those then that are found wanting, will have to deal with the consequences, so of.
It is well to remember that whenever we are not acting in a way and manner that is in harmony with the good that we should be doing, we have to recognize that every wrong step we take gets us into ever deeper trouble. Therefore, it would behoove all of us, to stop doing the wrong thing, and to endeavor to do the right thing, instead. Indeed, those who will not listen to the wise words of great mentors, teachers, parents, or friends, but insist upon doing things their own way, even when they know that the way they are directing their efforts is categorically wrong, have chosen poorly, and will surely reap the whirlwind of their own making.
While it is true that we cannot change the past, it is also true that we are provided with the opportunity of every moment of every day, to make decisions which are in harmony with that which is just and right. So too, it is our responsibility to make good on what we should make good on, and even when we run short of time, at least we have begun the necessary process to get back to where we need to go, or even better, to achieve what we need to achieve.
There isn’t any good reason to cry over spilled milk, but rather as soon as we are cognizant that our God will always judge right, we need therefore to amend our ways, and to the degree that we have to lean on others of good virtue in order to accomplish such, that is exactly what we need to do. In this world, we are ultimately responsible for our actions, for we have been gifted with free will and a mind therefore of our own, signifying that those who spend an inordinate amount of time, making excuses for their behavior, no matter how reasonable-sounding or even justified, need to understand that at the end of the day, we own what we do, for better or for worse.
So too, there are far too many people who believe that they are clever and have therefore figured out their own shortcut to get into God’s good grace, but the problem with such cleverness is that God is first of all, no fool, and secondly, God is no respecter of persons – therefore meaning that those that believe that they can somehow charm or “get over” on God, have clearly deceived their own self. In sum, we will be judged and that judgment will be true and just, with no appeal to a higher authority, for God is that sole inerrant Higher Authority.