Daily worker pay / by kevin murray

We read in the Holy Scripture: “In his day you shall give him his wages, neither shall the sun go down on it…” (Deuteronomy 24:14).  Indeed, as much as those back in the day, both needed and desired to get paid their wages at the end of the day, we find that there are many Americans that need and desire to get their wages at the end of the present day, as well.  After all, as it currently stands, the vast majority of companies pay their employees either weekly, bi-weekly, twice a month, or even just monthly – yet, people have bills and responsibilities to attend to that would seemingly necessitate their fair and reasonable need to the wages of the work that they have already accomplished so that they can attend to this very thing.


Fortunately, we live in a day and age, in which smartphones, in conjunction with computers, payroll programs, and banking institutions, are quite capable of being coordinated together, so that, those with the correct smartphone application, and an employer who has set up a process that employees can draw into, permits these same employees to use that application tied to their smartphone, which is thereby connected to their bank as well as to their employer, that permits these employees at their discretion to transfer their wages or a portion, so of, earned during their shift to their bank account, that very same day.


While there is always a concern that people taking advantage of getting their daily pay, will thus find themselves dismayed that their weekly paycheck, no longer contains much of anything, they need to understand, that those who do the work, deserve to be timely paid, and to the degree that employers can readily accommodate those that are their employees, then in fairness, it could be said, that they have done right by their employees, and how then those employees thereupon spend their money so earned, wisely or unwisely, is not really their concern.


Indeed, another way of looking at daily pay, as compared to getting a weekly or bi-weekly paycheck, is that this provides the employee with the money that they have already earned promptly, and therefore provides that employee with the option to do with that money whatever that they so desire, of which, many a time, employees find themselves being caught short in regards to a particular bill, of which, daily pay can circumvent them, therefore, from having to borrow money from a friend, or even much worse, from some short-term loan application company.  So then, in fairness, employers should desire to do their good part to accommodate their employees, and if those same employers feel the need for employees to go through some basic daily pay video, that purports to point out the advantages and disadvantages of such, let that so be the case, for at the end of the day, people who have labored, should rightly be entitled to the money that they have earned, for in all candor, it is the employer obligation to those employees, to pay them in a timely manner and when this can be done through a process that the employee controls, appreciates, and values, so much the better.