History tells us that Russia has its KGB, East Germany its Stasi, and China its MSS, of which none of those governments were democratic or free in nature, but basically used the agencies of the state to monitor its citizens and their activities, so as to better control them, and to make those citizens fearful of the state, and therefore cognizant that their personal actions and interactions were always being watched, or could be watched and scrutinized, at the state’s discretion. Those then who live in unfree countries in which they are being surveilled by all possible means are living within a construct in which the despotic state is oppressing them.
We find that in America, that never has it had so many secret or secretive agencies, propagated to the American people as being necessary for “homeland security”, or to stop terrorism, or as a protection for the people, or various other reasons, some that make sense, and many that are quite obviously, deliberate obfuscations of the truth. The truth of today’s security for American citizens is never has any government, had more actionable information about its own citizenry than we see currently in the United States, through its ability to work its nefarious deeds in conjunction with the most powerful hi-technology companies that willingly or not, wittingly or not, provide plenty of personal data about just about everyone that could conceivably be of interest to those security agencies of the United States.
Indeed, when any government knows everything about you and therefore has the capability to use that information in order to compromise you or to manipulate you, they have an immense amount of despotic power, that private citizens are at the mercy of, and will have difficulty counteracting such. So too, no people can be free, when they are forever being monitored, when everything that they do through electronic media, social media, or other activities as recorded by various enterprises, basically builds a very detailed portfolio of every individual, of which this information is not disclosed to that individual, who is kept unaware of just how much of what they are doing has been accumulated and stored by its own government, about them.
The United States prefers to tell its citizens that the information that it siphons up about its citizenry, is meant for their benefit and for their protection, but the truth of the matter is that to be constantly watched and monitored by one’s government, is to no longer to be free. Indeed, while America prides itself on being the leader of the free world, or the preeminent democracy of the world, its actions belie that completely. Instead, America’s government is only interested in seeing that those who are not an integral part of the “elite” be thereby monitored, controlled, and manipulated for the benefit of those who are the true despotic rulers of this nation, so done, to enrich and to keep in power those that desire to have it all at the expense of the people, with the clear understanding that those that do not obey, are subject to being compromised in a way and manner that they will ultimately comply or else deal with the dire consequences, so of.