To the rational mind, it does seem puzzling why there is a very specific minority of people who are absolutely against abortion and do not believe therefore that a woman should be sovereign over her own body or that her decision, about whether or not to abort her fetus, should be her decision to make. The reason that this is so puzzling, is that despite the supposed fact that pro-life proponents are actually pro-life, they often aren’t consistent in their belief, for to simply preclude someone from aborting a child, and thereupon to provide that mother with perhaps diapers, counseling, clothing and other assorted goods, is never going to be sufficient in and of itself, to give a fair chance to every child so born within America, to have a vibrant and productive life. Rather, it seems that far too many pro-life people, though not all, just want to stop abortion, and other than that, are perfectly fine with acting later with benign neglect to that same child, even supporting the death penalty for it if so warranted, which isn’t consistent, and isn’t right.
When it comes to pro-life, and especially for those who take it even further by believing that a woman, not even in the privacy of her own home, should be permitted to take medication that would induce an abortion or should have access to medical instruments that could conceivably help or aid in that process, seems like a real overreach. Indeed, to not believe that a person’s home is their castle, or that the right to engage with a physician in a medical office should not be inviolable, or to take substances that induce abortion should not be permitted, are all considered to be consistent with many pro-life proponents, because they believe that their position supports the moral good of society, which is the key to why pro-life people are so often adamant and stubborn in their ways.
In reality, for the most part, when we dig into the roots of those that are the most pro-life, at its core, is the present-day morality play that they believe that they should enforce on a free society. In other words, the type of people, for the main part, that desire to have an abortion, usually aren’t part of a healthy and vibrant monogamous marriage but rather are typically those that have engaged in what is considered to be illicit sex, and when found to be pregnant, they usually desire to abort their fetus, for the construct that they are in, doesn’t provide them with any other good alternatives. So then, the fight over abortion rights, has a whole lot to do, with those who consider themselves to be moral agents, imposing their morality on those who appear to have violated that morality, and these moralists desire therefore that immoral people should suffer the consequence of their bad act, by insisting that a fetus that is inside the womb of a woman that is not them, should be their business on behalf of all those that believe the same sort of thing, for the necessary benefit and justice of a moral and upstanding society.
In sum, to give certain busybody people sovereignty over our bodies is to believe that because they supposedly know best, we should countenance that violation of our freedom, for our own good, which they consider to be the fair price to pay for our illicit sexual activity.