‘Hitherto it has been assumed that all our knowledge must conform to objects” / by kevin murray

The above quotation is from the esteemed philosopher Immanuel Kant.  Kant goes on to say “We must therefore make trial whether we may not have more success in the tasks of metaphysics, if we suppose that objects must conform to our knowledge.’”  That is to say, our perception of what we see or know does not start with the object itself but rather begins with our mind.  It is our mind therefore that brings us forth the reality or unreality of a given situation, and therefore our mind is the progenitor of our perceptions, properly understood and comprehended.


For instance, we could say that a wooden table exists, but the only reason why we believe that a table exists is that our mind has told us through self-discovery or through our interactions and education with teachers, parents, or others, what constitutes a table, and therefore knowing what a table is, and therefore seeing that which resembles a table, we are able to ascertain logically that we are looking at a table.  This signifies that the objects that we see around us, and our interactions with those objects as well as in those other things of interest, are constructs of our mind, signifying that if our mind did not exist, that these objects for all intents and purposes would not themselves exist either.


Far too many of us, see that which exists, as therefore being the ultimate reality, but what has been forgotten is that this reality comes through the prism of our mind and that without consciousness, these objects would not be part of our reality, at all.  In life, what we perceive is done through the process of our mind, and the knowledge that we pick up is stored in our mind, so that what appears to be reality is real to us, as long as we have a mind that is actively and correctly working, and if that mind should fail us, the reality of our perceptions will invariably change.


In this world, there is a necessary hierarchy, of which, it is to our advantage to understand that hierarchy so that our interpretations of this world and the society that we are an integral part of, make sense and are consistent with who and what we really are.  We see what we see because we have eyes, and those without sight do not see the things that we see but are still able to perceive the reality of objects through their other senses, as well as also through the knowledge that they have garnered over their lifespan.


Indeed, all those things that seem impossible to us and that can’t seemingly defy some natural law, are possible to overcome, when we comprehend that the reality of what we know, is not held within the objects that we perceive, but rather is controlled by our mind, which is the master of all objects.  To believe somehow, that the most real things in this world are the objects of this world, is to somehow believe that objects have a life and consciousness of their own, when their existence is actually dependent upon the perception of our mind, and without the knowledge of the mind, this so-called reality does not exist, for it is actually more akin to a dream, instead.