It takes a family / by kevin murray

When we take a careful look at society as it is at present in America, it’s important to ask the question as to whether or not our society is getting more civil, more caring, more just, and more compassionate to one another, or if it is becoming more uncivil and worse in its behavior.  The answer to that question leans heavily to the appearance that the civility in our society is in a steep decline and that the dysfunction in too many of our relationships is getting ever worse, which begs the question as to why.


The seminal reason why civility is on the decline has got to be the fact that our family structure has gotten progressively more stressed and worse overall -- so that never have there been so many children brought up in homes, which because these are primarily single-parent households, who often are under financial and workplace stress, find it difficult to be the parent that they really desire to be, because they have more than enough that they need to handle, already.  This thus signifies that the support that a healthy nuclear family is structured around, is typically frayed for those who are single parents, as well as this being the case for those who do not have a caring relationship with their significant other.  So too, that lack of cohesion of the adults within a family structure, is detrimental to the security, warmth, and love that children require so as to best become well-developed young adults.


Those children then that are brought up in environments in which emotional support is lacking are obviously going to have a more difficult time being a good and productive student, and the way to address this issue is for this nation, to make it their point, therefore, to concentrate on being of real aid to families, no matter their structure, so that the family atmosphere will thereby be more conducive to developing a vibrant and healthy household.


Further to the point, when any family structure, struggles to provide their children with the necessary accouterments for their emotional and educational success, in addition to the infrastructure that surrounds them, not being of the quality that supports such success, then the end result is going to be the type of disappointment that we see far too often within America.  So too, the problems that families have in bringing up their children will spill over into society, itself, for those children that do not have the emotional support and guidance to direct their energies into that which is beneficial for themselves as well as for society, are going to ultimately present that society with the task of correcting or dealing with it, instead.


Those who are born into a good family structure, are the very same, which are presented with the best opportunity to develop into productive and good citizens, which thereby makes the point that this nation needs to put forth the effort to understand better that the best environment for a child is going to be a loving environment, which is best enabled when the parent(s) have the necessary tools and aid to accomplish this on behalf of their children, by pro-actively supporting families, so done for the greater good of society and our nation.