There are lots of ways to define a given person, of which the fairest way to do so, is to simply look at a person’s actions, for it is through those actions, that people speak most clearly. That is to say, for all those that say one thing but do another, we, therefore, know that their words, well-meaning or not, should not be our only consideration, but rather it is the actions so made, consistent or not with those words, that fairly defines the person. So too, there are those who will act without thinking, of which, because the act has been done, reflects fairly who and what they really are.
Indeed, all those who commit acts that they later regret and thereby desire to hide behind their supposed good intentions, or offer apologies, have got to recognize that those of maturity and truthfulness, own up to their actions, and when they have behaved badly, make it their point to make their future actions to be in accordance to what a conscientious and caring person would actually be about.
While it is true that our thoughts often create our actions, there is not necessarily a one-to-one correlation between the two, for there is many a person who has the right thinking, but somehow, through impulsion or anger, strikes out with actions that are unbecoming of good character. This is why it is vital that each of us, take the time to recognize that we need to be mindful of our actions, especially when those actions, have an effect on the other, for most every action, has a consequence, and when that consequence in the cold light of day, is one that is detrimental or bad to the other, we need to make amends, for we have done wrong.
Then there are those others, that for whatever reason lead lives of inaction, not because they are in constant contemplation, but rather because they are slothful and lazy, and believe because they do so little and therefore harm no one, that this lack of motion, will ultimately somehow get them enough credit to get to the destination that they so desire. The problem with that type of thinking is that a person who takes no action is the same who seldom makes any progress, and for that lack of action, is someone then who has not been willing to do much of anything to make society better for their participation in it, because they are, in fact, not really participating.
Look, it has to be said, because our actions define us, it behooves us, to first get our thinking right, and then to match our good thinking with good actions, for it is in those actions, that we either help and aid the other, or do the very opposite. Each of us is meant to do our good part to help make society better, so done through rightful thinking which is consistent with our subsequent rightful actions. Those then that consistently do right, are the very same that are worthy to be designated as “good and faithful servants” to society, as well as to their Creator.