The true purpose of a good government is for the overall benefit of the people. This thus signifies that a legitimate government is that which helps make the society that has formed that government to become better by representing well the best interests of those people, constrained only by Constitutional safeguards that sensibly protect as well as define what foundational rights that the people have. So then, to the extent that governments go about their business that detracts from their primary mission (for the people are the ones that should first be served) then the rights of the people have been diminished, for whenever our governmental representatives concentrate their energies upon agendas that are meaningful or advantageous for only a small elite or of favored entities, they have thus done a grand disservice to the people, in whole.
Those that are citizens of the United States, have specific enumerated rights, and further to the point, those rights not limited by the Constitution, are rights that the people still hold at their volition. This signifies that the purpose of any good government, is clear and precise, which is that it is the duty of conscientious governance to see that the citizens of this country, are fairly entitled to the full enjoyment of all the rights that they have been dutifully issued by that governance, and those same citizens should be genuinely concerned whenever their Constitutional granted rights are infringed or ignored by their own government.
While it is impressive that the Constitution of the United States has existed for such a long period of time – it must be said that whenever the words so written, the decisions so adjudicated, and the policing force as implemented, are in themselves, not in harmony with the Constitution, of which, these respective agencies have been sworn to protect and to uphold that Constitution, then the people thereby are not being served properly by their government. The main issue that seems to perplex those at the highest levels of governance is their strong inclination to suffer from a very high degree of “mission creep,” in which they often try to frighten the people into believing that sacrificing some freedom for their safety is the correct and the needed tradeoff to be made. While, safety and the defense of this nation has its place, it has to be recognized that to sacrifice one’s freedom as well as any of one’s Constitutional rights should not be something that is enforced by governmental fiat through the circumvention of our Constitution, but rather this has to be something that is voluntary and thus a choice, controlled by each person’s volition, per that Constitution.
Look, it must be said, that true freedom can be rather uncomfortable for a lot of people as well as to that government of the people, of which, whenever those that are our representatives either lose their focus on what they should be concentrating upon, or actively vacate their sworn duty to that Constitution and the people, then the people’s rights have been infringed, and thus it is the people that have lost what they and their previous generations have so nobly fought for.