United States as a rogue nation / by kevin murray

The United States is in essence, an empire – and as an empire it thus believes and clearly does demonstrate by its behavior that America feels that certain particular rules, regulations and laws don’t apply to it as a nation-state, which does not therefore set a very good example, at all, for other countries to look up to.  Indeed, America seems to be saying, that the most powerful nation in the world, is essentially above international law, and can, if it so desires, circumvent laws and conventions that are applicable to other less powerful nations. Additionally, America imposes its power so as to influence or to compel other nations to follow its lead on issues of most importance to the United States.


There are international organizations of some importance, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, and many others, that the United States is a member of. Yet not all nations are equal within these respective organizations, which perhaps is both sensible and wise, but also does though create a serious issue when there is one powerful member of such an organization that precludes sensible legislation from being passed or enforced. So then, it is fair to state that in certain organizations that the United States are a part of, that the United States of America clearly has the power to stop legislation that they don’t approve of from ever being passed, as well as also there are other organizational legislative acts that America can simply determine that they will not ever attach their signature to, no matter how popular or reasonable such a particular legislative act is.


So then, it would seem that from any reasonable outside perspective, that when it comes to these world organizations which are meant to be of benefit to the world -- that America can often be fairly perceived as a nation that does not play fair, of which, it so follows that any nation that insists that the rules don’t apply to them, but should still routinely be applied to others, must in fairness, be considered to be a rogue nation.


In actuality, it doesn’t make any real sense to believe that international organizations are going to be able to resolve the most critical issues of the world, if there isn’t some sort of reasonable and sensible level playing field, for country representatives to debate issues upon. After all, at some point, many a reasonable nation will tune out of a debate, if their perception is that it is all a bunch of talk and never one of action, because the subject so being discussed has had its outcome predetermined by one particular nation. Indeed, in any organization of merit, there needs to be a meaningful forum of debate, of which, the very point of that debate is to help come to some reasonable resolution that is sensible and fair for all parties involved. However, that debate is going to be moot or undercut when there is any one nation, which can simply vote it down, either explicitly or implicitly, each and every time that it disagrees with the majority.  So too, it would be one thing if America were known for making principle stands, but in truth, America just wants to have its way, while providing just the pretense of being an equal and fair member in standing.