The very first thing to recognize about the humanity of this world, is that each one of us has been gifted with free will and the free volition to do whatever that it is that we so desire to do, good or bad, beneficial or not with such This thus signifies that the discord, disharmony, and dissatisfaction that we so often feel within our own lives or see around us, has naught to do with God, and everything to do with our interactions and interplay with others. In other words, the world that we are an integral part of, reflects the rights and wrongs, that we so do one to another, and is not a reflection that somehow God is asleep at the wheel.
Look, there would not be a challenge for any one of us if we were automatons, but rather we are provided with the gifts so needed to do whatever that it is that we so do, of which, this world, subsequently fairly reflects how we have utilized those precious gifts, so granted to us. This means that any disappointment that we feel in this world, and of what surrounds us, is because we have not displayed within our thinking and our subsequent actions, the characteristics that are consistent with love, goodness, compassion, empathy, and concern for the other. Indeed, the troubles that we have in this world, reflect the troubles that we have interrelating with one another in a courteous and responsible fashion and can only be successfully resolved by those that demonstrate the wherewithal to utilize their volition in a more sensible fashion.
Humankind is particularly good at pointing their finger outward at all sorts of things and areas that reflect what is wrong with society, and not so good at pointing their finger at their own self. Each of us has influence on what society does or does not become, so that, big or small, whatever that we so do, ripples through the eons of time, so making a difference in the outcome of societies, for better or for worse. So too, the chances that we so get, are seemingly endless to correct what needs to be corrected, because that which is wrong, must at some point and at some time, be made right, for that is our revered obligation to the responsibility of having consciousness.
It must be said, that life most definitely has a purpose, of which, it is our obligation to first find out what that good purpose is, and then to do what so needs to be done to live up to that purpose, by our mindful thinking and the valued actions that we so perform. This signifies that each of us has a responsibility and therefore a valued duty to take it upon ourselves to make this world a better place by our participation in it, so demonstrated by consistently doing the right thing, and avoiding then those actions which are detrimental to a good and upstanding society. Remember this well, God is love, and therefore God has all the good attributes of love, and if we would want to see our society to be a better place, we need to take the baton so handed to us by God, and thereby run that race to its successful completion.