Those that live within America, really want to believe that America is a nation of, for, and by the people, which thus would signify that the entity that rules America, are the people that populate this nation. This though, is simply not true, for the average person, intuitively recognizes that few things in regards to the ruling of America, that happens in and around them, of actual significance, is consistently in agreement with their voice or with their desires; but rather they know for a certainty that their opinion hasn’t made any material difference to what has so occurred around them, at all.
It would be one thing if our elected representatives, as well as the law and justice so imposed, was to the general liking of the people in America; but often, there is a serious disconnect between what we as a people want or expect, and the actuality of how such is applied within America. It just seems like the people have no influence upon what the military does or does not do, or what major corporations do or do not do, or basically what our representatives, do or do not do. Perhaps that is the way that it should be, because we as a people are busy, so basically by electing our representatives we have done our part, and the rest of what we see as the result, is up to them. So too, in a capitalistic society, we just take it upon faith, that corporations have our best interests in mind, for the pursuit of profit, is the way that countries grow their economies, of which seemingly, some of those corporate profits thus trickle down to the people. As for the military, or the policing within this nation, we are told that this is necessary for our protection and our safety.
Yet, whether we as a people are satisfied or not, we have to admit in our most honest moments that it just seems like our vote, and our viewpoints, no matter how political or apolitical that we are, just doesn’t seem to make much of a difference, at all. In other words, this nation is run at a particular level, that we are not a part of and never will be a part of. This should concern us, because it would seem that what really goes on in America is not only beyond our grasp and control, but is also beyond our sight and knowledge. That is to say, we are ruled by entities that don’t care a whit about what we want or are concerned about, but rather care only about maintaining or augmenting their power, in their pursuit of what satisfies them, come what may.
The most important decisions that are made in America, that have a lasting effect not only upon the here and now, but also upon our future, aren’t made by ordinary people, at all. They are made in the executive offices of powerful corporations, with the tacit approval of those that represent us, and in conjunction with the desires of those that control the guns and ammunition of America. There is a powerful elite that runs the show, connected one to another, that are strategically positioned to get done what they so desire to get done, and we aren’t actually people with a voice, but merely are subjects to be manipulated and ruled.