Right and Wrong / by kevin murray

Most people intuitively know the difference between right and wrong, and although they might not always do right, they at least will admit to their own self, if no other, when they have done wrong.  Then there are those others, that are from any reasonable perspective definitely doing wrong, that not only won’t admit or agree that this is so, but are adamant in believing that whatever that they are so doing isn’t wrong, at all.  So then, we have a construct in which there are those that do wrong, but know it; as contrasted to those that do wrong, but not only won’t admit to it, but are convinced that what they are doing isn’t even wrong, but somehow is actually right.


In truth, there is enough wrong in this world, that needs to be corrected, without also having to deal with all those that are contributing to more of that wrong, of which, these people don’t believe that what they are so doing is wrong, at all.  Indeed, for all those that err in their judgment, that make mistakes in their interactions, and are sinful in some of their actions, but recognize within their being, that they are wrong for having done so, and thus then make it their point to correct their subsequent actions, there then is hope for that person, because they are at least attempting to mend their ways.  On the other hand, those that will not listen to reason, and further to the point, have no intention of changing anything anytime soon that they don’t believe is in error, the hope that we have in that person of them making changes for the better to their character, is minimal.


So too, we really do live in a world, in which, there are certain people, that are on opposing sides, that believe strongly that their position and their viewpoint is absolutely right, but in actuality, this cannot in functionality be true.  In some of these cases, there are nuances and interpretations involved, that thus can simmer down a situation that might become explosive and hence perhaps have such come to some reasonable accommodation, but in a significant amount of cases, we have people, that are absolutely convinced that not only is their position right, but further that they will not ever cede ground upon it. 


To believe wholeheartedly in something, most definitely has its place, but those that will not even consider any other viewpoint as possibly having legitimacy, are frequently too closed-minded for their own good.  Additionally, there are those people that really do know that they are doing wrong, but insist upon somehow construing their actions as being right, and therefore make it their point to sell to others, that they are right, even when, deep down, they know that what they are doing, is wrong.  Those then that insist that the wrong that they are doing is right, are some of the very worse offenders of what makes for a good society, for when wrong is painted as being right, and actually believed as such, the end result is going to be a whole lot of harm, because foundations built upon wrong will not ever be right.