Jesus crucifixion: Explained / by kevin murray

One of the most difficult things for many of those of the Christian faith, as well as those that are sympathetic to such, is the fact that Christ was adjudged guilty of essentially blasphemy and was subsequently sentenced to the ignoble death by crucifixion, which He so duly suffered.  It seems unfathomable, that Christ, considered by many of the Christian faith, as the actual Son of God, could ever conceivably subject Himself to such an unjustified death, but it did so happen.  The general explanation for why this occurred, was to fulfill Scripture and for Christ to be the sacrificial lamb for the transgressions of humankind.


To a large extent this explanation of Christ’s death is fundamentally on the correct path, but falls short in a very important specificity.  That is to say, that many of those of the Christian faith, do so claim that Christ died specifically for our sins, and thus for the entirety of sinful humankind, now and forevermore, which seems like a bridge too far.  Rather, a better and more sound explanation of why Christ suffered the indignity of crucifixion and then the supposed forsakenness by God, is better understood as being that Christ voluntarily took onto Himself the sins and errors of His disciples so as to alleviate their sorrows and afflictions, as a ransom for them, instead. 


We read in Holy Scripture that “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends,” which is exactly what Christ did for His disciples.  It is important to recognize that great avatars, great prophets, and the great Christ, have within their essence the ability, if they are so wont to utilize such, to take on the sins and therefore the penalty of that sin, by having then to suffer that injustice, abuse, disrespect, harm, hurt, and all of this even onto death, in order to properly propitiate for those sins so done by those friends.


So too, it is important to recognize that each one of us, should we be so inclined to make such a sacrifice, have the ability and thus the option to take on, for instance, the sins of our closest family members, in the conscious recognition that by doing so, we will have to, as the substitute for them, suffer the penalty for their sinfulness and wrongs.  That is to say, the message of Christ, is not just meant to inspire us, or for us to admire the risen Christ, but rather as the fair opportunity for us to step up and to make that sacrifice, ourselves.


So then, when we take account as to who and what we really are, it has to be recognized that each one of us, has the fair opportunity, to do our vital part to help to make society a better place for our participation in it.  This thus signifies that for all those that desire to see society to be a better and a more wholesome place, that the change that we so desire to see, requires individual sacrifice, and thus our hope to see that this change does happen, thus requires our noble act to carry the weight of others.