This world is quite deceiving in so many ways, in which humankind has a bad tendency to setup divisions one against the other, based upon, for instance, characteristics such as religious faith, the color of one’s skin, material assets, status, language, education, as well as country of origin. Somehow, there is a belief by people that should know better, that even in Heaven, there is that same sort of division between those that have the “right” religious faith, or the “right” success, and so on and so forth, when that could never be the case. The very first thing that humankind needs to fully understand about God is that not only is God no respecter of persons, but that because there is only one omniscient God, that all of us are thus equal creations of that same God and thus equally valued by God, no matter then the material circumstances of our life or our merits, so of, lived upon this earth. In other words, money doesn’t matter in Heaven, for there is no need of such; color does not matter either, for we no longer have our physical raiment; and finally whatever religious persuasion that we so adhered to on earth, does not matter either, for God cares only for our heart.
It is important for each of us to truly understand Heaven, for in that understanding, this permits us then to better comprehend how we should treat one another in the society that we are a part of. That is to say, for all those that really do believe that there is a Heaven, they need to understand that there could not then ever be, for instance, an upper class in Heaven, and thus also a corresponding lower class. That is to say, rich and poor, black and white, Jew and Christian, are not ever going to be segregated in Heaven, and for all those that sort of don’t buy into this construct, they then basically represent in form, one of the most significant reasons why we have so much discord, incivility, and hatred in this world.
Each of us, without exception, has been created by the very same hand of God. This signifies that the divisions that so many perceive that we have, one to another, are really an illusion, and are not based upon fact. Rather, it has to be said, that life would be rather dull and boring, if we all looked the same, all talked the same, and all wanted the same sorts of things, because without any real variety, there would just be way too much redundancy in this world. So then, the variety that we observe, is there not for the purpose to divide us, but rather for the purpose of making this world a more interesting and dynamic place, along with also representing a challenge for us to piece back together, what appears to be separate, but is in its substance, supposed to be whole. Indeed, it isn’t until we reach Heaven, that our eyes will become completely open, and when that happens, all those that have been blind, will not only be embarrassed and ashamed for having been so, but also will truly embrace that God plays no favorites, and never has, and never will.