For anyone that has ever been prescribed a powerful pharmaceutical drug, or is currently on strong drugs, whether licit or illicit; for a certainty, then, comprehend that drugs can be extremely effective in making an appreciable difference in modifying or changing the mood of a given person, or in modifying or changing the vital signs in a directed way of the body of that same person. So too, those that are precluded from getting the necessary sleep that they need, or are denied food or water, or basically denied those necessary things that a healthy body needs to sustain itself, or what is required for the mind of the body to have some semblance of volition, are going to also make for a person, that will not be in full control of their faculties. Additionally, for those that are mentally damaged, or those that are incarcerated, these people, then, are often at the mercy of the humanity so shown to them or denied. There is, in short, plenty of opportunity for humankind to exert some degree of control over another human being, especially when that human being does not have the freedom to extricate themselves from that situation.
When it comes to governments, many of those same governments, no matter how much that they profess to love liberty; we do so find, that for many a person that services that government, that somehow they believe that it can be okay to subvert a given person’s liberty, without normal legal processes, for the supposed greater good of the people of that land of liberty. So then, in reality, secret experiments so being conducted or contemplated upon, are going to, by nature, be adverse to having those be directed against any valued citizens of the state; instead, there is a very strong inclination to put to the test, those that are the most defenseless, which are often represented best by those that are incarcerated, mentally challenged, or minorities.
What makes those that are mentally challenged, such as schizophrenics, such a preferred target for mind control, is that because the schizophrenic’s view of reality is so often distorted by hallucinations and delusions, this signifies that whatever that they might so say is pretty much going to be invalidated or ignored by the nature of their condition, which means that these types of people, would seem to make for a very enticing target for mind control. After all, the point of governmental mind control, is to have someone do something that they would not do of their own volition, and then do so, without really comprehending what they have so done. This thus does open the door for something like the “Manchurian Candidate,” of which, the grand purpose of having this type of power over another human being, is not only plausible denial, but denial of the highest order, since whatever so occurs, tragic or not, has not been accomplished by the person so having exerted their mind control over the other; but, in theory, by that schizophrenic person, who by definition, has an altered and distorted view of the world.
Those then, that pursue mind control, never do so for the betterment of humankind, but rather such a pursuit as that, is always meant as a way and means for the government to accomplish something that is morally corrupt and wrong, but has been deemed to be necessary, and of which, that government does not want to be seen as being a party to it.