We live in a modern world, which is digitally connected through, for instance, our smart phones and through our activities on the internet, for business as well as for leisure. The thing about the structure of our digital life, is that the government to a very large extent has taken a laissez-faire type of approach, so that, for the most part, whatever information that the hi-technology companies that we deal with directly or indirectly so desire to collect from us, is theirs then for the taking. This is the fundamental mistake that the governance of this nation has made, because essentially it allows private enterprise to vacuum up as much information as they so desire from us, including our “digital breadcrumbs” to thus create for them, a very detailed profile of who and what we really are. Further to the point, the reason why hi-technology is able to know so much about us, is that hi-technology fundamentally keeps track of, collates, organizes, and forever remembers every single thing that we do, which provides then these hi-technology firms with an almost god-like view of who and what we are really all about.
Sure, there are plenty of people, that don’t really care about what is or what is not recorded or known about them, but a lot of those people, don’t seem to comprehend, that the more that is known about anybody, the more potential there is to exploit that person, to redirect that person, and to manipulate that person, so that they will behave in a manner that is beneficial to those hi-technology companies, by the purchases, the decisions, and the overall attitude that is thus displayed by those individuals. There are lots of people that somehow believe that they can’t be influenced or are never influenced, but if that indeed was true, then there wouldn’t be a multi-billion dollar advertising industry, and there wouldn’t be ads upon ads structured upon the searches that we have made, or the relevant demographics exposed of who we are, that thus subsequently “pop up” as advertisements upon our screen. The bottom line is that this capitalistic system is dependent upon having people making decisions that favor their products, and the more that a given company knows about their intended audience, the better they are at focusing on what needs to occur to trigger that buying mechanism.
Additionally, hi-technology companies are absolutely enamored by young people, and the younger that they can so reach them, the better – because those that are young are going to go through all the various stages of life, in which each of those stages, is going to provide for those hi-technology companies and for the for-profit corporations that work intimately with those hi-technology companies, the continuous opportunity, to direct a given person’s attention their way and for their profit. While it is true that most human beings are complicated beings, that is why then it is so important for these hi-technology companies to know everything about us, for in that knowing, they know what our next probable move is going to be, and because of that, they can position themselves to exploit such for their own benefit, so ultimately done at our expense.