Drug addiction, welfare, and money / by kevin murray

There are plenty of people that have substance abuse problems, including licit drugs that are either abused by being overprescribed to them or by which that person has gained access to through deception; as well as the fact that there are all those myriad illicit drugs that are also abused. The bottom line is that there are a whole lot of people that have drug addiction problems in America, and of which, the governance of this nation, is quite readily aware of this situation, which appears to have become endemic.

We should give credit to any nation that recognizes a problem and desires then to put forth an effort to ameliorate such – such as we see in the provision of rehab centers, welfare assistance, and social assistance of all types; of which, this, in and of itself, does provide some real relief and aid to those, for instance, that are drug addicted, and appears to be successful for some of those people so addicted. Still, in consideration, that drug addiction is so prevalent, and does not in any respect, appear to be actually diminishing or becoming something of irrelevancy, there needs to be acknowledged that perhaps the more seminal question to ask, is what are the factors that drive people to drug abuse in the first place. That is to say, a far better way to resolve a problem, is to address the very basis for why such a problem like that, ever develops.

In point of fact, though it can be said, that just about anyone could become susceptible to substance abuse problems, it though has to be recognized, that those that typically turn to drugs, are often the same sorts of people that have proximate problems as well as a sense of hopelessness about those problems, and that they cannot themselves figure out a way to successfully resolve such, so then they thus turn to that which will, at least for a little while, relieve them of being burdened with that particular concern. In other words, stated differently, healthy and vibrant societies, are the types of societies, in which, drug abuse and anti-social behavior are far less prevalent, because people, in general, that are happy with their lot in life, don’t have a compelling need to desire to distort their reality by drugs that will addle their mind.

So too, the problem with spending lots of governmental money in the hopes of resolving drug abuse issues, without careful accountability to how that money is being spent, or how effective that money is in actually resolving drug addiction is a major mistake; especially in consideration, that damaged people that are abusing drugs, are going to be very susceptible to taking whatever form of help being issued for them, and thereby habitually finding a way to turn the assistance so being provided to them, as a way and means to get more access to those drugs. That is to say, there isn’t any greater shame in the expenditure of billions of dollars upon resolving drug addiction, in which the users of those drugs, trade then their welfare help to those that are the providers of those drugs, so that, in effect, monies earmarked to help the addicted, actually end up in the hands of those that are the exploiters of such addiction, in the first place.