In life, there are plenty of things that are absolutely secure, and there are also plenty of things which are absolutely insecure. In order to live life well, then, we need to fulfill our obligations to the structure of that life, by being able to, for instance, pay our bills, stay in good health, be employed at a living wage, and to be safe within our own neighborhood. In other words, in order to have a good and secure life, we need to be assured that we will have the certainty that all that we need at a minimum, to obtain that good life, is at our volition, through the reasonable assurance of having a steady stream of income via our own reliability and good work ethic.
One might reasonably think then, that in this modern age, in which, it would appear that humankind has resolved just about everything so needed to be able to provide fair access to the necessary accouterments to live that good life, that such would be thus available to be in the hands of every citizen of its state. Yet, that isn't true, at all, and further to the point, society seems to be regressing from achieving what needs to be achieved, so as to give the assurance to its own hard working citizens, that their lives will be assured of being stable and secure.
The governance of this nation is large enough, wise enough, and powerful enough, that if it so desired it could create the structure so needed, to provide the basis of having a universal basic income for all, or its equivalency, as being part and parcel of life in America. Yet, it has not done so, perhaps because its capitalistic system, doesn't believe that perceived socialistic institutions have any real legitmacy within America; as if then, it's perfectly okay that in the richest nation that the world has ever known, should just accept, that there will always be a meaningful portion of its population, that are impoverished, food insecure, poorly educated, and living in substandard housing in unsafe neighborhoods.
Perhaps it is a bridge too far to secure that universal basic income, but it certaintly should not and ought not to be a bridge too far to provide to all those that are willing to work, the assurance that in their employment, that their labor, though not necessairly all that satisfying in the actual work tasks, be at a minimum, both secure and absolutely reliable.
That is to say, to be of a world, in which death, taxes, and bills are definitely certain, but to not have the assurance that one's own income or job status is itself, certain; is to feel the constant pressure that all that a given person has, is in jeopardy, at any given moment, which thus lends itself to uneasiness, and social unrest. People, the world over, want basically the same fundamental things that serve to represent a good life, and the purpose of good governance, is to help fairly actualize those very things, for all.