Riots don’t occur by people that have a vested interest in their neighborhood / by kevin murray

Imagine a neighborhood in which virtually everybody that lived within that neighborhood, owned their own homes. Those types of neighborhoods that have a very high percentage of their residents that live in owner-occupied homes, are almost never going to see those same people do anything that would purposely severely damage their homes, because of the fact that they actually live there, as well as the fact that their property is of immense value to them; in addition, to the salient fact that most rational people do not ever destroy that which has sizeable value, whether either personal or tangible..

So then, it’s fair to say, that riots never occur in very nice neighborhoods, not so much because the people that live there are very nice, though, they may well be; but basically, because each of the people living there have a vested interest in their neighborhood remaining very nice. On the other hand, there are those neighborhoods that are known more for being or in having pockets of despair, pockets of poverty, pockets of neglect, and pockets of frustration, in which, many of those that are owners of these properties or have businesses within or around the surrounding neighborhood, are primarily people that actually don’t live in the neighborhood, and don’t necessarily care a lot about it, or of the people that actually live there. Further to the point, whenever people in a neighborhood, believe that their landlord, or that the neighborhood store, does not seem to care for them, and treat them in a way and manner, in which they feel dehumanized, disrespected, or exploited, this breeds discontent.

As for riots, there comes a point when those that feel that they have no voice, and further that their situation is well-nigh hopeless, in which, oftentimes, we find that some significant event that has recently occurred is perceived as being so unjust to the people that live or congregate within that neighborhood, that this serves to set off the powder keg that was always susceptible to going completely off, and hence the riot begins. The riot that so ensues, is primarily going to be in the neighborhood in which the people that live there, have little or no vested interest in that neighborhood, because they own so little of it, and care not for it, or their situation within it, which is why they are just fine with the destruction, burning, and damage that is so caused by that ensuing riot.

Those that have nothing, are not going to behave in the same manner as those that have something, for those without, see themselves as being outside the system, and not an integral part of it. The objective, then, of any sensible neighborhood or society, is to at least attempt to reach out to those that have the greatest need, so as to have them to believe that they are actually desirable, needed, valuable, and of worth, by creating the conditions that give credence to such a belief. So then, give a person a reason to live and they will live. On the other hand, take away their dreams and hopes, and the most likely result will be rebellion, revolution, and rioting.