There are plenty of people who believe that one should “obey the law,” which sounds quite straightforward and might even make sense if governance was consistently in accordance with natural law, but history tells us, that governments are often corrupt, wrong-headed, and discriminatory to those that they govern. Indeed, there are all sorts of laws that modern-day sensibilities tell us that these previous laws were wrong, such as in the slavery of fellow human beings, but this was the law of that time, and therefore those that were in obedience to that law, were said to be in conformance with the law; whereas, those that did not obey that law, were seen to be lawbreakers. Therefore, for a certainty, humankind's laws which are always subject to change, or misinterpretation, or are fundamentally wrong should not be the prevailing law that one should obey. Indeed, the only laws worth obeying without question could only be that which is natural law, of which, natural law is defined as being in conformance with the ethical law imprinted upon our minds by our Creator.
The peace and justice that so many people and the governments of those people clamor for can only come forth from a system of ethical laws, in conjunction with justice equally applied, that are together in conformity with sound moral principles, of which, these principles are not subject to change, because they are universal laws, respecting that the Lawgiver, cannot ever be in error. Of course, there are going to be many a person, or governance, that claims this or that, as being what the law should or ought to be, but a sound law, is a law that is not only true and fair, but true and fair for all-time, which signifies that it must be universally applicable, no respecter of persons, and consistent with enlightenment, above all.
Our duty, as human beings, is to be in conformance with natural law, as well as to adhere to that natural order which we have been created to recognize and to be obedient to, and live therefore to that precept. Each of us is provided with a conscience, which encourages us to do the right thing when we thus listen carefully to and obey that still, small voice within. Those then that insist upon ignoring that ethical voice, or to deaden such through drugs or drink, are the very same, that will veer off course, and of which, laws are created and enforced to help those that have lost their way, to get back onto the true path that will lead them faithfully to the ultimate sanctuary.
So then, to obey the law is only going to be a worthy calling when the law so being obeyed is natural law, because that which is consistent with God’s handiwork is that which we all need to aspire to be harmonious with, and when natural law conflicts with humankind’s law, the law to obey is that which is eternally correct, and not that which is misguided, misapplied, and wrong.