The above quotation comes to us from Galatians 6:7, and it means what it says, which is the harvest that each one of us has sown through their actions, thoughts, and deeds, is going to be what they will surely reap. It is fair to state that life is a chain of events, that begins at the beginning and ends at the end, of which, that continuum, writes the story of our life, and thereby what we so reap by the harvest that we have seeded, are the fruits of our labor, of which, this has represented our contribution to the life that we have lived.
Indeed, there are many a person, that prefers to personally edit their life in a way and manner, in which that which is bad and wrong, is reduced to something akin to a small indiscretion, and the little that they have done right, is magnified into something magnificent. The problem with this type of belief, is that God will not be mocked, and in consideration that God is perfection, omniscient, and just, there will be a reckoning for each and every one of us, and of that reckoning, we will surely reap what we have sown.
There are plenty of people, that really like their lives, and feel that overall that they are a good person, who perhaps has made a few mistakes, but as in anything, our own perception, can be distorted, so that, if we really want to know how we have been behaving, we probably need to reduce our ego, and to thereby take an honest reflection upon who and what we really are – and if lacking in certain good qualities that make for virtuous character, to do our level best to actually achieve those attributes, so that we will become a better person.
In this world, there is plenty of opportunity to not only to deceive our own self, but to deceive others, but in the end, all the tricks and games that we have played, will be fairly accorded to us, come judgment day, and those then, that have lived high up on their horse, will find that their fall is indeed great, which is why we need to do what we can do to make sure that the seeds, care, and diligence that we put into our harvest, will result in us our reaping what is good.
The world that we live in is a proving ground, of which, each of us has to answer individually to that which called us into existence, and upon that calling, we will find that all the pretense will be eliminated, to thus expose our actual character. Those then that take what they say and do in this world, with the understanding that this matters and then make it their point to do the right thing, are going to stand in a far superior position to those that either ignore or dismiss such, for in the end, we will fairly sow what we have reaped, and the difference between those that have chosen wisely as compared to those that have been fools, will be stark.