Bombs away! / by kevin murray

Since America is the world’s policeman and insists upon its involvement where trouble is brewing implicitly or explicitly all over the world, but nevertheless doesn’t want to risk losing American blood, because the general public is not comfortable in seeing a multitude of American boys in body bags, we find that America thereby uses aerial bombardment again and again, in its foreign conflicts and wars. The thing about bombing is that bombs are quite effective in creating absolute havoc and destruction. However, what is taken into consideration far less than it should be is that almost invariably when a bomb is dropped within an area that has some semblance of a population or actually has quite a few people living there, is that there will be civilian casualties from that bombing which are to the degree that America can control the narrative, are conveniently forgotten, dismissed, or typically substantially minimized as to the amount of civilians so injured, displaced, or killed.

 The main reason why America loves to bomb other civilizations is because it desires to minimize the amount of actual American boots on the ground, and in consideration that those who are the bombardiers are seldom in any real danger, this seems to be a strategy that saves American lives, under the belief that this bombing, strategic or not, will get the enemy to surrender or to lose the will to fight.  In actuality, aerial bombardment is almost never truly “surgical” or “smart” in its effect, and has a way of taking civilian populations and making them to despise and to hate those that rein this seemingly indiscriminate bombing upon them.

 To believe somehow that it is right to kill civilians, consisting of non-combatant men, women, and children, is a great wrong that America continues to bring down upon its enemies.  In truth, war is a dirty business, which entails risk, blood, injuries, and death, of which, the bombing of a given country is going to increase the amount of civilians injured, killed, and displaced, which should be seen as a crime against humanity.  America, drops the bombs upon those that are its alleged enemies, not because this tactically is the best way to win a battle, but rather because it wants to minimize American blood, at the expense of the civilian blood of those that are unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

 The thing that America tends to forget is that there are definite cycles in civilizations, and those that were the top dog, will eventually be replaced by another, so that, the more pain and punishment that America imposes through its aerial bombardment, the more blowback there will eventually be, of which, it has to be remembered that those that do all the bombing aren’t particularly concerned about civilian deaths and injuries so inflicted, until such a time, as the worm turns, and that bombing hits American civilians, as well.

 There doesn’t seem to be any real rules when it comes to aerial bombardment, or to the degree that there are, appropriate sanctions are never imposed against those powerful entities that violate such, signifying that when that reckoning does so come, America will feel the type of hell that it has been dishing out for decades, and will deeply regret the bloody harvest that it has reaped.