It is said that America is a religious nation, and if not so religious today, its foundation was based upon the implementation of religious freedom. So too, the very laws that are impressed upon the people are based upon moral law as to what is right and what is wrong. Additionally, for those who go to church or are familiar with church doctrine, it is understood that certain actions or even certain inactions are designated as being wrong, and are thus typically labeled as sinful. In fact, come judgment day, everyone will have to answer for what they have done, and those who have been sinful will have a heavy price to pay. None of this should come as any real surprise, for not only is this general belief pretty standard for Americans to know but is consistent with the understanding that what we say and do does matter, of which, those who commit bad deeds are sinful, and what we do sow, we will for a certainty, eventually reap.
We do so find then that the same sort of logic that applies to individuals is fairly applied to nations, as well. That is to say, there is many a nation that commits crimes, such as murder, unjust war, undue interference in foreign affairs, injustices, exploitation, and so on. To believe then that nations get off scot-free; whereas, individuals must thus suffer their due punishment, isn’t just, isn’t fair, and isn’t correct. This means that nations are subject to the same punishment, as individuals are, for their sins against their own people, as well as for wrong actions done to those outside their borders.
So then, just as individuals should rightfully fear God’s justice, so too, should nations fear the very same. That is to say, what a nation does on behalf of the people, rightly or wrongly, makes a difference, and those nations that are sinful in their actions will surely pay a heavy price for having done such, which is why we see that many a nation once considered to be great ends up eventually disintegrating, of which, the greater the rise, the greater becomes its fall, which is why those nations that have committed serious wrongs and sins, need to repent of the very same, and then to make good, where they can make good, as a just recompense for their previous bad actions.
We live in a day and age, in which not only individuals are in denial, but nations are, as well. But, denial or not, that judgment awaits all, big or small, and therefore nations that are sinful and wrong in their actions, will be judged, and those found wanting, will suffer the righteous punishment for their mistakes, because what we do as a nation matters, and those that choose to ignore this fact, are the very same, that puts their nation into the path of damnation because, for a certainty, there will be justice, sure and true.