As much as people want to believe that America is the land of opportunity, in which, anyone who puts forth a decent effort will be assured of having enough income to afford an apartment, a vehicle, health insurance, food, clothing, internet access, and just about everything that people need in this modern-age to live decently, we do so find that this isn’t true for a significant amount of people, at all. There are a multitude of people who not only struggle paycheck to paycheck but don’t even have a consistent paycheck to lean upon. Indeed, there are millions of people who are food and shelter insecure, and pretty much are in a constant struggle, despite governmental and charitable handouts meant to help keep their heads above water.
One of the things we find in America with the exception of cities such as Boston, NYC, and WA DC, is that the mass transportation that is offered to residents definitely leaves something to be desired. It isn’t like there isn’t any public transportation, it’s more akin to the available public transportation, often being not all that good, and thereby is inadequate to get around for those that have no vehicle. This thus signifies that for many adults, having their own transportation is essential in order to have any semblance of living a decent life.
That said, when it comes to the expenses that people have every month, we find that an ever higher percentage of one’s income is being allocated to one’s living space, which thereby means that everything else that a person needs, is under constant threat in the not having enough income to cover such. This indicates that for all those who currently are using their vehicle as a place to sleep as opposed to having an apartment is thus saving themselves a lot of money, or if not saving money, can allocate their income to that which is of more importance than being in their own apartment.
So then, in consideration that people need cars, and that people can sleep in cars, which provide for those so sleeping, with the comfort of knowing that they can lock their car for the protection of themselves and their goods, as well as being protected from the weather elements that would make them quite uncomfortable, it would thereby behoove governmental agencies to do their fair part to actually repurpose or to create car parks, specifically set up for people in cars to essentially live there.
The ideal car park would be one that would offer internet access, electricity, lighting, showers, toilets, cooking facilities, clean water, a food truck or vending machines, some free space to walk around, and some sort of basic security, along with general rules and regulations that residents would have to adhere to. The purpose of the car park would be to provide the citizens of the community with a safe space to collect themselves and to live in, which would help them better to meet their day-to-day expenses, in the sure recognition, that while cars may not be the preferred place to lay one’s head down, that at least, it is a decent alternative to all that is currently happening, but is so often, swept under the rug.