We read in this Declaration of Independence these immortal words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” What makes these words so radical and the impact of these words so revolutionary, is the fact that in actuality, when we take a look at the history of the world, there are few civilizations of any real size and strength that have ever believed in their actions and by their governmental institutions that all of us are actually created equally, nor do they seem to believe that we truly do have unalienable rights which because they are unalienable signifies that we are born with them and that therefore those unalienable rights do not originate from the government whatsoever; but come to us rather from our Creator, which for a lot of people, or the governments of those people, really isn’t seen as being self-evident or believed in, at all.
It is to humankind’s vast regret, that its history is filled with case after case of humankind’s inhumanity to its own, demonstrated through slavery, unfairness, wars, injustice, and often the fact that so few have so much and are frequently considered thereby to be above the law; whereas the many, have so little, and are subject to being suppressed by the law, unequally applied. This would seem to more than imply that the belief that we are created equally and that we all have the same unalienable rights is consistently not being borne out by the actions of our government, or the interplay that we have one to another.
Indeed, when we look upon what the major faults are within America and its governance, so of, it really comes down to the salient fact that despite this Declaration of Independence, so utilized as the rallying cry for the colonists to fight for their freedom, is that, at the end of the day, America has never come close to actually living up to its immortal creed, which is why America has so many problems and issues that have not been successfully resolved. In America, despite law after law after law, we are not at the present day getting closer to what was the founding principle for America’s existence, because those who are our legislators, can’t seem to comprehend that equality under the law, can only be true within a construct that recognizes that all of us have been created equally.
It would be wise for America to get back to the wisdom of its roots, and impress upon all of its citizens, that they have truly been created equally and that they have also been birthed with unalienable rights, thereby signifying that the prime purpose of good governance is to uphold the fact that we have been created equally, and to see that the laws as implemented in this nation, reflect firstly that we have unalienable rights, which this government is meant to support, and not then to attempt to take away or to compromise such. In short, any Declaration of Independence is only as good as the people are in seeing that it be actualized in a fair, even-handed, and dutiful manner, which gives then no quarter to those who would try to subvert it.