Hopelessness and despair / by kevin murray

America considers itself to be the greatest nation that the world has ever known, but this is belied by the fact that so many of Americans, live lives of abject hopelessness, despair, and frustration.  It is to America’s great discredit that it essentially ignores those who are its most vulnerable, and does not do nearly enough to set the foundation of success for as many Americans, as possible.  Instead, this is a nation, that has a significant separation between those who have it all, as compared to those who have nothing at all, of which, the poor and disadvantaged realistically recognize that they will never have even a foothold of prosperity, in this the richest nation that the world has ever known.


To live in a society, that apparently believes that the rich should always get richer, is to live within a society that has sown the seeds of its very destruction. Indeed, those who have been ruthlessly disregarded and therefore are without hope, as well as those who have been humiliated by being constantly reminded of their failures, which are often not even fairly their own, are those that will remain a thorn in the side of those who are the richest and most powerful entities in America.  To believe, somehow, that millions of Americans, can simply be dismissed day in and day out, of which nothing of substance is done to change what needs to be changed so as to give hope to those that are the most in need of such, is demonstrative of an empty promissory note, that will never be paid in full.


Look, it has to be said, that while we are responsible for the decisions that we make, that quite obviously, those who have nothing and no opportunity, will therefore have no fair pathway to achieve anything of merit, and are going to be inclined to rebel against this injustice, again and again.  The very troubles that we see within America, of civil unrest, of despair, of anger, and of rage, reflect a nation that will not live up to its immortal creed of equality and justice for all, which is thus fairly displayed in the amount of violence, incarceration, and troubles that this nation duly suffers from.


All those who have some semblance of the American dream, are those who basically buy into the belief that America is the land of opportunity, but for those in whom opportunity never presents itself to them, this nation represents the nightmare of being within the confines of that which could provide them with the accouterments of success and a good life, but has cruelly seen that the game has been fixed in which the result for them, has been predetermined and therefore cannot be ever changed in their favor.  To take away hope from another is to take away their incentive to be a good citizen and has replaced such with a desire to either become listless and disinterested, and hence barely living, or else to do their part to have their say, by any means necessary, so that at least, when they meet their fate, they have let it be known that they will not go quietly into the night.