There are those particular people of historic privilege who believe it’s perfectly fine for their government, or even for their neighbor to know everything about them because as they say, they have nothing to hide. Perhaps for those people, the salient reason that they have nothing to hide, is that they are members in good standing of the favored race, and the favored religion, and the favored class of people, who also don’t bother to ever do much of anything that is out of the norm, for they are quite satisfied with their life as it is, and have not the desire or the empathy to consider all the unfavored races, all the unfavored religions, or all the unfavored classes of people, because they are not those people, and hence have little concern for them.
Whenever the government knows everything about us, through our basic divulgence of such through all the various forms that we have to fill out, for instance, to purchase a home, or to enter successfully into higher education, or for our medical needs, or for our taxes, or for employment, it is assumed by the general population that this information won’t ever be held against us, or used against us, but because it has been gathered, it may well be. Further to the point, in today’s hi-technology world, in which video cameras controlled by various governmental agencies are commonplace throughout many public areas, and of which our social media accounts are available to be perused by those same governmental agencies, along also with our vulnerable cell phone records which are constantly tracking all of our communications, as well as our movements, presents for the government, such a rich vein of personal information, that the government knows for a certainty who and what we really are, which thereby presents that government with the discretionary power to do something about those that they find to be irritating or a nuisance or a menace, by digging deep through that information to ascertain our weaknesses and vulnerabilities to thereby exploit such on behalf of that government, so as to punish us, or to intimidate us, or to arrest us.
That which is our government, is not stupid, for they know that their constant surveillance of its own citizens is something that a large segment of such, would find to be not only intrusive but a violation of one’s privacy, so that in consequence this government is careful to present such to the general public as a necessary feature that will protect us and to keep us secure, of which, that government makes sure to show through example by example, of how such surveillance has allowed that government to prevent crimes and to catch criminals, which in many a sense, is basically true. However, there is a mistaken belief by those who are too credulous, too clueless, or too unconcerned, that the government will not ever come after them, which is exactly what that government wants the majority of Americans to believe because it makes it all that much easier for the government to aggrandize onto itself more and more invasive power, and thereby makes it a near certainty that only those that please and placate governmental interests are going to be secure, whereas everyone else is absolutely in play.