Divide and conquer / by kevin murray

America likes to believe that it is a democracy or considered to be a Constitutional republic, of which, it represents therefore a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people, but this is belied by all the evidence that we have that America is a nation, divided, warring between different political factions, different political parties, different classes, different races, different religious faiths, and different perspectives.  In point of fact, America at this stage of its existence is more akin to a plutocracy rather than being a nation that has a fair selection of the people’s representatives in office, for the decisions that are made, day after day, consistently favor specifically the powerful elite which is why there is so much disparity between those of the 1% that have everything that they could ever possibly desire or wish for, as compared to the masses, or even to those that serve that elite, which are left with no more than the scrapes off the master’s table, or perhaps a few bites of a good meal.  Incredibly, this is a nation that has more in common with a monarchy of old, than it has to being a nation of justice, opportunity, and equality for all.


The salient question of the day is how is it that so few are able to control so many, especially in a day and age, in which the population is literate, fairly well educated, and has the basic freedoms of speech, of the press, and of liberty.  The type of control that those who are elite of this nation, have in their possession, has been accomplished partly through the illusion that all is fair and square, but mainly through exploiting the divisions which thus serve to separate us from one another, and thereby to have us concentrate on damaging one another, rather than joining together to assert our Constitutional rights.  That is to say, those who are our representatives who are in the highest and seemingly most powerful political positions in this nation, aren’t typically independent personages, whatsoever, but rather have been carefully groomed to project their independence, but recognize that their assent to the top was sanctioned specifically by those that have true power.  So too, in order to successfully control a massive population, that population has to be consistently propagandized to – in addition, to those that are the masters of this nation, needing also to constantly agitate the population that what they so deeply desired to have is being denied to them, not by the government, and certainly not by the elites, but rather what they are lacking is because particular factions are precluding them from getting their fair share, and in order then to get what is rightfully theirs, they need then to battle that faction, in perpetuity, in which, neither side ever wins, and the battle never ends.


Indeed, for a very small minority of elites to rule over the majority of the people, this is best accomplished by keeping the people, divided, while also providing those same people with some of the taste of the good life, so as to keep them motivated, but never to permit them to have the vision, that what they really deserve is something so much more, as if that is their inherent right, of this the supposed representative of the last bastion of freedom, opportunity, and liberty, for all.