The semantics of the Department of Defense / by kevin murray

In 1949, what used to be known as the National Military Establishment, or historically as the Department of War was renamed to the Department of Defense.  While it has to be admitted that nations have an obligation to defend themselves and their institutions, it doesn’t seem accurate to call the gargantuan Department of Defense, anything other than the Department of War, for in reality, the United States has not had to defend itself from an attack from any foreign nation on its soil since 1812, with perhaps a couple of exceptions, for outlying islands in WW II, or also depending on how someone wants to classify such, the terrorist attack of 2001.  The bottom line is if the Department of Defense, really was in principle, a military department, exclusively designed to defend the United States, it is grossly mislabeled, for in actuality, the United States has insisted upon being at war, on behalf of whatever interests or as a proxy for such, all throughout the late 20th century and for the entire 21st century, and any nation that is always at war, is a nation that should properly call the biggest institution that it has, which is its Department of Defense, what it actually is, which is a Department of War.


So too, the citizens of this nation, have a right to know what the institutions that their tax dollars pay for, actually do, especially when that which is earmarked as being for the defense of this nation, are in actuality being spent for endless wars.  There isn’t any good reason for this government to deliberately deceive its population, which it has been sworn to serve, by mislabeling what it is doing supposedly on behalf of those people.


Right or wrong, the United States takes a perverse pleasure in applying the force of arms against typically nations that do not have the wherewithal to properly defend themselves, but often though have the constitution to withstand what they have to withstand in order to survive, through absorbing what they have to absorb, in order to still live.  This signifies that the type of war that America brings onto other nations, isn’t even successful in its alleged mission, but simply reigns destruction and terror upon those nations that it wars upon, but is seldom ever able to conquer or effectively control such.


It is a great contradiction that America declaims loudly that it is the bastion of freedom and democracy throughout the globe, by its very actions, done through the misnamed and bellicose Department of Defense, clearly indicate that America not only wants its way, but insists upon it, and cares not a whit about the sovereignty of other nations, of which, again and again, America insists that its way is the only way as well as being the supposed proper way, and does not care to win over any particular nation to their way of thinking, but rather prefers to bomb and to attack other nations, into submission.


It is therefore high time to rename the Department of Defense to what it really is, the Department of War; in addition, America needs to drop the pretense that it is defending freedom, liberty, and democracy throughout the world, and just simply admit its aim is global dominance through the act of warfare.