The courage to incarnate / by kevin murray

Each of us, is an eternal soul, temporarily housed within a physical body, which thus knows birth, life, and eventually physical death.  We live in a world, in which, there are those few that are born within the most favorable of circumstances, and there are also those many that are not.  So too, some of us, have strong familial connections, primarily because our parents and relatives are good people, and then there are those others that are born into the most dysfunctional of families, with all the attendant problems that such families as that, have.


One might expect, then, knowing our selfish nature, that there would be an oversupply of those wishing to incarnate here on earth into the most favorable of circumstances, and not too many that would ever desire to incarnate into those problematic and difficult circumstances.  Yet, it must so be recognized, that each child born into this world, has for a certainty, a soul, that has volunteered to incarnate within that child’s body.  So then, it may then come as a surprise, that high or low, rich or poor, good or bad, each soul thus finds a body to incarnate within, favorable or not.


This thus signifies that to incarnate into those most problematic of circumstances, is indicative that the soul so doing so, has the courage to perform that act.  Those then that take on the most difficult of challenges, have though the fair opportunity to demonstrate that despite their perceived handicap, that they can thus make the best of a very poor lot, and to the degree that they do so, it is to their eternal credit.  On the other hand, those that are provided with the proverbial “silver spoon” in their mouths, but somehow, aren’t able to identify with anyone or anything outside of their own privileged milieu, and thus lord it over others, will be fairly judged for their inability to recognize that all that God has created, is equal in its value.


It is not an easy thing to incarnate into those trying situations, but it has to be remembered, that this planet, as presented to us as human beings, is to be best seen as a proving ground.  That is to say, there are plenty of those that are only too willing to claim that they love others, or that they so desire to serve others, and to proclaim this or to proclaim that – but the mere mouthing of words, is never going to be the same thing as the actual doing of deeds.  So then, we will be tested, again and again, until we not only get it right, but also so that we can appreciate the reality of truly walking in another person’s shoes.  That is to say, empathy is best accomplished, when we actually are those very things, for having experienced them, rather than imagining or picturing such.  So too, none of us is going to get it right to begin with, because not only are we prone to making errors, but we have to somehow overcome our own selfish tendencies and ego that insists that we have to have it our way – when, instead, it would be better to understand that we are all in this, together, and that as one global family, we need to do our good part to help one another to get to where we all need to be.