Questioning the work that we do / by kevin murray

Most of us, at some point or pretty much continuously, have had to take on a given job, consisting of assigned work, that we ourselves, are often just one component within that work, and of which, we may or may not know the highest purpose of the work that we have so performed, therein.  Nowadays, many of us are paid laborers, often working for a company or a boss; yet, there was that day and age, generations ago, in which most of us were hunter-gatherers, or we worked almost exclusively with livestock or agriculture.  It was in those simpler times, that we not only knew what we did for a living, but we knew for a certainty, the purpose of what we so did.  In today’s world, many of us, are not just cogs within a machine, but to a considerable extent, workers who don’t really question as to what the end product actually is that we work upon, or even to really know for a  certainty its true purpose.  Perhaps we don’t question it, because we don’t really care, or the scope of what we are working on is seemingly so small, that it doesn’t appear that it would matter to know, or perhaps we simply don’t really want to know.  That said, for whatever products so being manufactured, for an absolute certainty, there are those that know the expressed purpose of that product and have no excuse for not admitting such, though they may have their reasons for why they would prefer non-disclosure of such.


Not everything so being manufactured, has a really good purpose behind it, though in this world of semantics, there are always going to be descriptions of products that though destructive or damaging in their nature, thus serves to disguise their true purpose; but those in the know, really do know what those products are all about.  So too, there are some highly intelligent and well-schooled people, that are delighted for the opportunity to explore and to invent new products or devices, but lack the seeming capacity, to actually desire to comprehend that not every invention or device so made, is something that could not be subsequently turned into something quite destructive or intrusive, as well.  That is to say, there are many a product so developed for a good purpose, that can also be re-purposed in a way and manner that this new product or new use of the same product can be something that is inimical to a society, as well as to our freedom and liberty.


We should want to question the work that we do, to know what the good or bad of it, actually is – for those that are part and parcel of that which is damaging to the human psyche, or to societies, or to peace and harmony, should at least be cognizant that they are indeed part of the problem and not of the solution.  On the other hand, those that are involved in those products which are uplifting, and good for society can thereby take solace in knowing that their labor is indeed for a good cause.  In short, for all those that labor, we should have a desire to know, as to whether we are contributing to the betterment of society, or are contributing instead to that which is destructive of society, so done, either way, for a paycheck.