Jesus wept. God still weeps / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture that “Jesus wept” (John 11: 35).  This proves the point that Jesus not only had human emotions, but that Jesus was gifted also at being empathetic with others.   Indeed, our Messiah, could relate to even those human conditions, so representative of humankind’s foibles, troubles, and dramas, and encouraged each one of us, to make it our point to overcome and to ameliorate such through our own efforts or faithful belief.  So too, our God cares about what God so created, and therefore, whenever humankind continues to make the same types of selfish, ego-driven, and mistaken steps, God feels the pain of that collective human error.  In other words, what we do here on planet earth, not only matters to us, individually, as well as to our family, our friends, our cohorts, our society, and to the world, at large, but it matters deeply to our God.


Every good parent, desires the good for their progeny, of which, God as our natural parent, desires that good, for us.  So then, whenever we forsake God, or ignore God, or do things that are clearly wrong, this serves to take us thus further away from the only Light that will bring us eternal salvation.  What we so do here on this earth, is always at our volition, but having done what we have so done, it is therefore our responsibility to own up to it.  Those then, that consistently think and do the right things are going to find themselves, invariably becoming closer to where they need to be; and all those that veer off that straight and narrow path, will find themselves to suffer for the mistakes that they have so made, sooner or later.


Because God is just, and always remains fair and omniscient, there is thereby no shortcut that can ever be taken to reach God, because that which is wrong, needs first to be corrected; because nothing that is not in keeping in harmony with the attributes of God, is capable of sustaining itself within God.  We have been created as companions to God, of which, the greatest gift so bestowed upon us, is the liberty and freedom to be whatsoever that we so desire to become.  This thus means, that God has provided us with the opportunity to walk way from God, and even to oppose God with all of our might.  As might be expected, those that have chosen those things that are at odds to what God so represents, have chosen poorly, and will therefore reap what they have sowed.


God weeps for us, because God knows that the more poor decisions that we so make, is going to create for those that have made those poor decisions, a more difficult battle that must be overcome, in order to thus prove our character as being one of actual merit, once we truly recognized the error of our ways.  The good news is that God gives up on none of God’s lost sheep, and never will – which is why great avatars incarnate upon this earth, in order to lend a helping hand to all those that are lost, so that each one of us can thus return to the only sanctuary that will bring eternal bliss to our soul and thus end the weeping, so of.