To escape from the reality of your life situation / by kevin murray

Not all of us are blessed with a good and satisfying life.  For some, though they have to deal with that which represents some degree of despair and frustration, this is soon overcome or ameliorated, by other good events, or by the help of good friends.  Then there are those others, in which, it seems that every day is a day of frustration, difficulty, humiliation, and the awareness that their life is not in order, and certainly not where they so desired that it should be.  For those, that seemingly have intractable problems, there are a multitude of sensible ways to deal with such; as in, seeking the advice and aid of esteemed others, working on the crux of the problem that is disturbing and bothering them, as well as basically doing those types of activities that will permit them to make progress in the overcoming of those obstacles that are hindering their advancement and their balance of mind.  Unfortunately, far too many people, either make a few attempts to fix such and then abandon such when their efforts seem to be of no effect; or they take what appears to be the easy avenue of escape, so done through various mindless activities, such as playing video games, endless browsing of social media posts, listless daydreaming, or via the intoxication of drugs, licit or illicit.


There is the personal reality of life, of which, some people see that reality and deal with it, as it is so represented in a positive and proactive way so as to have a satisfying and fulfilling life.  Then there are those others, that cannot handle the reality of their life, and wish only to escape from such, which thus lends many a person, such as that, to the lure of intoxicants and addictions of all types, that will thus serve to permit them to escape the reality that they believe cannot be handled, through sober and sound mind.  The unfortunate thing about “escaping” our problems, is that this escape does nothing to resolve those problems, whatsoever.  In other words, whatever that we escape to, is not going to represent a solution to what is ailing us, because it represents a failure to direct our efforts upon that which needs to be dealt with, forthrightly.  That is why, so many of those so attempting to escape what they seemingly cannot handle, have to return, again and again, to their escape mechanism, such as alcohol, drugs, or mindless entertainment of all sorts.


It is not an easy thing to deal with pain, with disappointment, and the frustration of a life which has seriously veered off course.  Yet, to try to escape from that reality, by forgoing being direct and constructive in dealing with the issue at hand -- by instead determining that the best defense is to escape from the reality of our situation through drugs, alcohol, or other misguided behaviors, doesn’t do much of anything of merit for us.  To escape is almost always not going to be the correct response to what we have to deal with – rather, what we need to deal with, should be dealt with, directly and with courage, for we are meant to go forward, and not to endlessly cycle through that which gets us nowhere.