There are lots of people that basically live their lives in such a way, that they believe that only that which is seen, is to be believed – never, seeming to come to grips with all sorts of things, which we cannot see, such as gravity or wind or love; nor bothering to contemplate why it is that we are drawn to that which is beyond our physical senses, so often. Those then that will not pay much attention to anything other than the physical, are quite obviously living within a construct, in which, their physical birth, must then end with the annihilation of their physical self, which for them, essentially represents a tragedy, which cannot be avoided. In other words, those that are unable to get beyond being earthbound, believing in nothing other than what this physical world so offers us, are going to forlornly have to face the music that there will come that time when their existence will meet its inevitable end.
Then there are those that understand that we are not just the physical, but rather we are actually eternal in structure, because that which is our soul, lives beyond this world, and always will. That is to say, we incarnate into this world, in order to do our best to make this world a better place, for our participation in it – recognizing that our physical presence here, is temporal, for our actual being is beyond both time and space. Those then, that recognize that truth, are the same type of people who see their incarnation here, as the fair opportunity, to grow themselves, so that they will have the proper spiritual and wisdom accouterments to be of aid and of assistance to deal with that struggle of the illusions and delusions, that preclude these other souls and people, from the proper recognition, that we are meant for better things than merely being earth grounded in our persona. Indeed, we are our brother’s keeper, for all those then that are able to redirect misguided souls and people into the recognition that we are all in this together, are thus doing their good part to bring needed enlightenment to this world.
Each of us is provided with free will, which is a powerful intoxicant in the wrong hands, and a great gift, for those that wisely use such. Those that use their free will for their exclusive benefit, are going to reap the whirlwind, within that next dimension that all must so face, upon their physical death. That then, is truly the tragedy of a life gone wrong, for each of is provided with the fair opportunity to do the best with the gifts and circumstances that we are meant to utilize and to face. In truth, how we live our life in this world, reflects in what so happens to our soul, in the world to come. This world is indeed, a proving ground, and for all those that aren’t able to progress or even worse, do regress, they then will have to cycle back again and again until they eventually get it right – whereas, those that know who and what they really are and therefore are true to that which is eternally good by their respective actions so accomplished here on earth, will reap an exceedingly rich harvest.