There is no perfect government for there are no perfect people / by kevin murray

It could be said that the form of our governance is a fair reflection of the people that make up that population which is so governed.  That is to say, whenever the people, are themselves no paragons of virtue, or of dedication, or of hard work, or of vision, or of drive, then we should not be all that surprised that our government, isn’t going to be much of those things, either.  Further to the point, when our government leaders are found so often to be, corrupt, greedy, liars, and self-serving -- this would seem to fairly reflect that we get as our leaders, those that are in harmony with our very own selfish tendencies.


There isn’t any real reason why we should believe that as flawed peoples, that our government, is not itself, going to be equally as flawed.  This would seem to signify that we as a people, need to do more as a people, to be good and productive citizens, which might very well then be reflected in a better governance, so received.  Additionally, while our government most definitely should be held to account, for all its actions done so in our name; we need to understand, though, that in reciprocity we should be held to account for our respective actions, good, bad, or indifferent.


In fairness, we get the government, that reflects who we are as a people, and when that people consistently cheats the other, or our corporations, are themselves, deceptive, underhanded, exploitive, and driven by an obsessional determination that profit, above all, is the only thing that really matters – then the end result is going to be the type of continual inequality, unfairness, and injustice, that so many suffer from, in this, the richest nation that the world has ever known. 


None of us can escape our destiny, and in order, therefore, to change our destiny, we need to develop the characteristics which actually reflect, good citizenship and engaged sociability with others.  Those that are our elected representatives in government, need to be the type of people, that are both practical as well as being visionaries, whose expressed purpose should be to see that the people, in whole, are presented with a seat at the table of our collective prosperity.


So too, it has to be recognized that the more secretive a government is, and the less transparent that it so becomes, has got to be a signal to the people, that not all is right – for a government that will not be forthcoming with its own people, is a government, that clearly has some things of importance, that it so desires to hide.  The best government is that government, which does not lie to or is deceptive to its own people, but willingly admits to its flaws, while also reassuring the public that it serves, that it will take the necessary steps to amend its ways for the betterment of those same people.  We, as a people, do not expect our government to be perfect, for we are not perfect; but we do expect our government to be responsible, to do the right thing, and to be that light of liberty so as to overcome the darkness of humankind’s worse intentions.