The failure of immigration policies / by kevin murray

The United States should take pride in the knowledge, that this land is considered to be the mecca of opportunity – though not necessarily always the ideal conditions for the first generation so coming here;  it is though typically represented as a sanctuary and land of opportunity for the next generation that are thus born within the American border.  The fact that the United States is such a desirable land to come to, for so many, would seem to necessitate that those that are in charge of our immigration policies and the enforcement, thereof, would want to be selective as to exactly whom is permitted to enter this country, and further to the point, would logically desire to see that undesirable illegal immigration be reduced, considerably.


We read at, that it is estimated that there is a bit over 11 million of unauthorized immigrants within America, of which, 67% of those are from Mexico and Central America, primarily because of its proximity to America.  No doubt, the border between Mexico and America, is a very long border, but to believe that in the 21st century that America somehow does not have the good capability to do a far better job in securing that border from illegal immigration seems to be unfathomable.  This would imply that there are forces within America, including policing, border control, and corporate entities, that have a vested interest in illegal immigrants coming into America, as long as they get in return, a piece of that action, or, in regards to those that employ those immigrants, an opportunity to thus fill jobs for wages that are considered to be typically, exploitative of that illegal immigrant labor.


This thus signifies, that one way to reduce illegal immigration is to come to a better understanding of who and what employers of illegal immigrants are looking for, in regards to the employment of these specific people, and then provide a pathway in which a restricted visa can be issued to those that meet not only the general requirements of those employers, but also permits this government to interview and to thus go through an immigration process, before these immigrants are issued a limited visa, and then permitted to enter this country, legally, on a temporary basis, with a tracking system in place, to know of their whereabouts.


As long as there is a need for illegal immigrants within this country, then that need is going to be filled, one way or another, with middlemen taking their share, and unfortunately, some of these immigrants, will thereby suffer not only financial harm, but physical harm, even to death, as well.  After all, it has to be recognized that people desiring to immigrant here, wouldn’t be doing so, if this country did not have any real employment opportunities for them; so then, in recognition, that there are jobs for them, it would behoove this nation to provide an avenue in which this is acknowledged as being factual, and hence then, of having a formal policy which thus legitimizes that immigration.  The bottom line is that there are effective ways that have existed for decades, for immigrants to cross the border, without authorization, in which, one fundamental way to reduce such, is to provide a formal pathway for that immigration, with specific restrictive covenants that have to be adhered to, which are thereby monitored and controlled by appropriate governmental agencies.