Settler colonialism / by kevin murray

While it has been said that the victors write the history, it can also be said, that such history is subject to revision, and through that revision, a more nuanced and a fairer perspective can be generated, for those so inclined to take in a more comprehensive perspective.  First though, what is settler colonialism?  The answer is that those who are not indigenous to a particular land, but have traveled to such, having done so essentially to take over or seize the land for their own or their motherland’s benefit, which is accomplished through actions taken, typically violent, at the direct expense of the indigenous peoples, until those indigenous peoples have been conquered or forcefully removed or become an irrelevancy. 

 So then, the United States of America, could be considered to be a prime example of settler colonialism, for America was already populated by what we call “American Indians,” who though they still exist here in America are at this point completely decimated in their population, and are presently not untypically ill-educated and impoverished, along with being situated onto often remote reservations, that, in theory, they are sovereign of.  At the time of America’s founding, American Indians were plentiful, self-sufficient, but were also considered to pose a real threat to what became known as the American way of life and its manifest destiny, of which, American Indians through one form or another, were subsequently defeated or forcefully relocated to such an extent that they are almost an irrelevancy in this nation, presently.

 Perhaps this is the way that it should be, that the strong and determined take what they so desire by whatever means so necessary, fair or foul, for the supposed greater purpose of this settler nation and its non-native people.  Indeed, it could be said that what occurred was overall a benefit to the world, at large, for America has gone on to accomplish some incredible things,  as well as to be at the forefront of inventions and innovations that have helped to make this world and the society that we are a part of, so much better for these accomplishments.  So too, to believe, somehow, that America is the sole example of settler colonialism is to get history wrong, for there are plenty of other nations, that have the same sort of background history, as well, signifying that in many a case, those that are adventurous, determined, and have powerfully deadly weapons, have been able to successfully assert their selves against indigenous people, the world over, for better or for worse.

 In sum, whether people are comfortable with admitting this truth or not, settler colonialism has been the means of choice, of nation-states on the move for generations upon generations to overcome indigenous societies and to claim their resources, as their own.  It is also is the epitome of the belief that might makes right, for indigenous societies, typically have not recognized the moral superiority of the colonial mindset, nor should they, but have instead, been conquered through the sword, which demonstrates the historic value of organized military might to impress itself upon the other, understanding well that in these battles the spoils will go to the victor, at the expense of the vanquished.