The rich and connected control governmental power / by kevin murray

There is this general belief in America that because Americans of all classes, races, and faiths, have the ballot box, that therefore the government that we have is truly a reflection of what the people want, for this is a government, of, for, and by the people.  As good as this might be or sound, it isn’t the actual truth -- because the bottom line is that this isn’t a government of, for, and by the people, at all and never has been – for rather America is a nation run by the rich and connected, for the benefit of the rich and connected, and those that believe that this is not true, have bought into a false construct, and are essentially deceiving themselves.

 The very first thing to recognize is that America is the richest nation in the world, and the one thing that we can say about people who have their hands on money, power, or both, is that they are typically quite reluctant to loosen their grip, because they appreciate all the privileges that having money and power represents, which is why, democratic nation or not, republic virtues or not, those that are the rich and connected, will not deign to risk their power and money through the ballot and will do everything within their domain to see that they can maintain their luxuriant status, come what may.

 So then, those who profess the loudest that we need censorship in order to drown out hate, misinformation, disinformation, and the like, don’t seem to recognize that the powers that be support this wholeheartedly because they desire to control the narrative and thereby want to see disseminated only that which supports them.  So too, when it comes to political elections and ballot initiatives, the powers that be, are all for Political Action Committees (PACs) and anything that permits them to utilize their money, without restriction or transparency, so that they can basically buy the results that they desire.  Additionally, in this two-party system in which no third party has any influence upon governmental power, the powers that be make it their point, to sell the illusion of choice, when, in fact, the two major parties, don’t really disagree on all that much that would be detrimental to those that are the richest and most powerful amongst us, because, to a large extent, they have been subsumed by such, or are themselves members of that class, or aspire to be so.

 Indeed, those who are rich and connected do everything within their power and influence to make sure that those of different races, different faiths, and different employment, are constantly at loggerheads with one another because they know that a nation with a multitude of people that really don’t have all that much that they truly own, would, if so united, present a clear and present danger to their power, which is why, we see and hear so much emphasis upon civil unrest, of which, those that are the silent majority, oftentimes just want it all to go away, which is where those that are rich and connected come into play, by promising that by giving up or relinquishing some of the people’s liberty and privacy, all will be secure, and those that are the rich and connected, can thereby continue to enjoy all that they have, without any undue or inconvenient interference, ever.