A government of, for, and by the people / by kevin murray

When we take a look collectively at what our governance does or does not do on behalf of the people, it has to be admitted, for it is rather obvious, that the government spends an inordinate amount of its resources protecting and augmenting those that are well positioned, powerful, and have massive assets, for those entities have an abiding desire to keep on increasing what they have, which basically comes at the expense of all those that have not.

 Look, it has to be said, that the government needs to first and foremost do its best for the people of the nation that it governs, which means, in particular, that governance should concentrate a fair amount of its energies on those who are the least amongst us, for when the government does not do this, these people will thus continue to be oppressed and disadvantaged, because capitalism as structured, will continue to take advantage of and exploit these poorly positioned people for their own self-serving benefit.  This essentially mandates that it is the government, and pretty much only the government because of its size, assets, and power, that can help to even the score, so that those who are born into little or nothing, are thereby provided with the opportunity to become something when they are provided with a good education, safe neighborhoods, employment opportunity, and non-discrimination.

 The best and most appropriate government therefore is that which promotes the common good of the people, which in its effect, is most beneficial to those that are in the most serious need of the government to lend them a helping hand.  This signifies that the government should do its level best to see that as many of its people as possible, will be provided with fair access to all the accouterments necessary to become productive and to thus leave behind, as few as possible, for this makes for a nation that will be more just, fairer, and civil.

 We find, therefore, to the degree that the government impresses its power and its rules to enforce such to see that the people, in whole, are fairly provided with the opportunity to become what they could become for the betterment of that society, is so much the better therefore for the population of that nation.  Indeed, the rich and well-placed do not need the government to champion them, whatsoever, because these privileged entities are doing more than just fine with their positioning.  It is all those who have little or nothing and have seemingly suffered from such for generations, that are the very same, that should be permitted to lean upon their government, so that this government, of, for, and by the people will do its fair part to help lift up those that are impoverished to become something that they were always fairly entitled to become.  This indicates that “big government” has a sacred mandate to do what it can nobly do for the tired, the poor, and the oppressed so that they too can breathe free, in this the land of liberty.