The healthiest nation in the world is not the United States of America / by kevin murray

America proclaims throughout the world that it is the greatest nation that the world has ever known, but in order for that to be true this nation would have to also be the healthiest nation in the world, because a nation that is not healthy, especially in comparison to other OECD countries, cannot be great, for when the nation’s health suffers, the people suffer, and a suffering people is not the mark of greatness, whatsoever.

 Our governmental statistics tell us that “In 2023, the United States spent $4.9 trillion on healthcare, which … amounts to $14,570 per person,” which is a total so staggering that it must thereby mean that the United States really is the healthiest nation in the world, because of these expenditures, but alas it isn’t.  Further, we read that according to Peterson-Kff data, that “The U.S. spends more per capita on prescription drugs than any other country.”  Finally, when it comes to life expectancy, “The U.S. ranks 34th in life expectancy compared to other high-income countries.”

 All of the above is indicative that not only is the United States not very healthy, but that despite all the monies spent on healthcare, prescription drugs, and other items commensurate with what we believe that healthcare should consist of, American citizens aren’t in the aggregate, healthy, and that these monies are either being poorly allocated, or the structure of our healthcare is inimical to good health, or that other various factors are contributing to the disappointing poor results of the health of American citizens.

 Look, it has to be said that whatever is being done or not done at present, to assure American citizens can achieve decent health, is not being accomplished, and that this government, of, for, and by the people, has done a terrible wrong to those same people, which leads to the conclusion that the present course that this nation is on, cannot possibly be the best or the correct one.  In other words, in order to improve the health of this nation, everything of substance needs to not only be carefully looked at but then prudent measures need to be implemented to help American citizens get healthy, for quite obviously, if money is one of those main factors that will influence the health of a nation, there is plenty of money being spent, so thereby other factors must also be in play, that need to be more thoroughly examined.

 Indeed, the quickest way to get America back on track is to scrutinize what other healthier nations are doing on behalf of their citizens and to emulate that.  This means that everything about our current healthcare system and the health of our citizens must be put into play, in which, nothing should be sacrosanct, because what needs to occur to get our people healthy, will be a seismic change from what is so occurring, presently.  That is to say, to continue on the same path that America is on, will result in more of the same, which is a waste of resources and monies, that would be better put forth into that which will accomplish the goal of seeing that American citizens are entitled to a healthcare system that will actually work with and for them so that they will be healthy, and thereby able to properly appreciate the greatness of this nation.