There are plenty of people and do-gooders that don’t really want alcohol or liquor to be served at sporting events, for some pretty good reasons, such as reducing bad crowd behavior or perhaps also as being a bad influence for those that are underaged. Yet, the thing about permitting alcohol and liquor is that there is a specific meaningful segment of fans that associate having an adult drink with being part and parcel of experiencing the sporting event and their reasoning really comes down to the fact, that they are of legal age, and should be permitted to enjoy their entertainment without some sort of nanny state dictating to them, that they cannot. The bottom line therefore is that most stadiums and arenas sell alcohol and some also sell liquor, obviously done in the pursuit of extra income and profit for the stadium operators.
In regards to young fans and those that don’t particularly care for alcohol, most of these people, don’t mind that alcohol is sold at sporting events for various reasons. One of the reasons is as straightforward as when it comes to seeing beer hawkers that go up and down the stadium stairs, selling bottles of beer that they pour into plastic cups for the patrons of such. Indeed, many a person admires the strength, grit, and overall hustle that these beer hawkers display, because carrying lots of beer, especially when it is hot and humid is no easy task to perform, so the sweat generated is honest sweat that a hard-working man emits while performing their duty, and therefore patrons and others see them as being deserving of the compensation, appreciation, and tips that they get.
So too, there is something to be said about a fan that comes into the stadium, apparently sober, but as the sporting event goes on, proceeds to get intoxicated, of which their behavior typically does materially change, which to the uninitiated is a lesson to be observed. First, there is the fact that for some drinkers their face begins to get flushed, and their eyes begin to look less focused, in addition to their general demeanor changing, which for some of those that have been drinking, turns to disgust, frustration, despair, self-deprecating humor, or resignation. To a certain degree, fans who have been drinking, especially when the game is no longer relevant, become the entertainment for those who are young, uninterested in the sporting event, or just curious, for a significant amount of people who are impaired by alcohol, have an entertainment value to those that haven’t been drinking. So too, there is another lesson to be learned, that alcohol definitely seems to change people’s behavior, not necessarily always to make them uncivil, but seemingly to make them seem different than what they had previously appeared to be, all from the drinking of alcohol, which is an object lesson, that the imbibing of alcohol, does indeed modify people’s behavior, providing those that do not indulge or have yet to indulge, the opportunity to learn firsthand whether they desire themselves ever to be a spectacle, or would prefer instead to watch the spectacle unfold.