In the United States of America, this nation is supposed to obey the highest law of the land, which is its Constitution, and to the degree that it does not, it has betrayed its own principles. We find that extraordinary rendition is essentially the practice in which America forcefully snatches a person, typically accused of heinous crimes from wherever they are currently, by any means necessary, to be rendered to a pliant nation, that will thereby permit the United States or those that are working in conjunction with United States’ interest, the opportunity to abuse and to torture the individual so captured. In other words, extraordinary rendition as practiced by America means that certain individuals as determined solely by the United States to be terrorists or to have engaged or aided terrorist organizations or other things of this general ilk are taken from wherever they are, no matter the cost to other individuals or the damages done, to innocent or non-involved parties or not, and no matter the sovereignty or freedom that the nation-state that is being invaded represents, they must therefore kowtow to the sole superpower of the world, so that the United States can do whatever it so desires to this person that they have captured, without limitations or law being fairly applied.
There are several serious issues regarding extraordinary rendition, of which, the first one, is the questionable legality of such. In fact, no matter what legislation or laws have been passed, extraordinary rendition, cannot be and is not consistent with the Constitution of the United States, which thereby signifies that all those that support, aid, and abet these measures, should be seen not as patriots to this country, but rather as criminals, committing acts which are anathema to the Constitution, under the guise that all is well and fine when it certainly is not. Further to the point, the discussion as to who, what, and why a given person must be kidnapped and taken from one place to be tortured, is never transparent, it is never brought before a truly independent court and is typically hidden, under the excuse that to provide full disclosure would negatively impact national security. Finally, those suffering from extraordinary rendition may not even be guilty of anything in the real sense, and additionally, they may not even be the right person to have suffered from this extraordinary rendition, because of a mistaken identity or similar, which is a terrible crime against humanity.
The truth of the matter is that America consistently insists that it is above the law, which is why it seeks only its own approval to kidnap, torture, and to kill whomever it so desires, without limitations or penalties, which thereupon is indicative that America does not respect the law, but only respects its ability to impose itself upon any other country or territory that stands in its way of rendering its “frontier justice” at any given moment for any spurious reason. Those nations that insist that they can do whatever they do to anybody at any time while failing to recognize the sovereignty of other nations or an individual are the very same as to why there is no true peace in this world because when the so-called leader of the free world, behaves in a manner in which moral and ethical law is disrespected, that nation has truly sold its soul.