Tests, trials, and the overcoming by the Christ / by kevin murray

People understand Christianity in different ways, of which, one of those ways is to recognize the great character of our Messiah, for this in the scheme of things, proves the mettle of the Man.  That is to say, as much as we want to believe that healing, proselytizing, and profound words of wisdom, are the marks of an astute and gifted man, that isn’t necessarily going to be enough to demonstrate that Jesus was the Messiah, for each of our lives are filled with important trials as well as temptations, in which, those that pass these specific tests are indeed great souls, deserving of our appreciation and admiration.

 In regards to Christ, He endured many trials, including the unjust trial that led to His crucifixion.  Yet, Christ would not bend to the laws of the land, or the injustice meted out to Him because this world is not the creator of souls and because it is not, it is not our master. Indeed, this world represents the opportunity for all that engage upon it, to prove themselves through the boiling cauldron of troubles and tests, of which, no greater test is there than the one that impinges upon the content of our character and has us risk what appears to be everything, represented by glorious life and of ignoble death.  Indeed, Christ faced that trial and did not bend, compromise, or diminish who and what He represented, because to do so, would give in to what was mistaken and wrong, which would be an abomination to His mission for all of us.

 So too, Christ was tempted with false flags and bad agents, subtly administered against Him by bad actors that desired to distract Christ from His mission, of which, these were real temptations, that would take down a lesser man, but did not take down Christ, because those of principle, who not only know the difference between right and wrong, but also have made it their solemn duty to always do right, will not relent from that which is superior to give in to that which is inferior, no matter how tempting such might be, on some level.

 In truth, Christ’s willingness to face trials and temptation without wavering, and without making a mistake, is the epitome of that which has surmounted those trials and temptations, demonstrating to all that have eyes to see, and ears to hear, that we are obligated to do our level best, when facing our own challenges in this life -- for those that subsequently fail their trials and temptations are the very same, that have done so to their own diminishment and shame.  Yet, Christ proves to us, that we need not hang our heads in shame because we have erred, but rather that we should be about our proper business, in the understanding, that we cannot and will not graduate to the level that we need to be on until we prove that we have the strength of character demonstrated by overcoming and thereby conquering our individual obstacles, so as to become a strong pillar in the temple of our Holy God.