Let there be Light / by kevin murray

There are plenty of people who live lives of despair, desperation, hopelessness, and fear.  For these people, there appears to be no way out, but there is always a way out if we make it our point to search for the right way and thereupon to follow it, without ever meandering away from that pathway.  To live a life in the darkness of despair is not something we are ever compelled to do, for our free will provides us with the opportunity to replace that which is without light, with light, which should be our abiding desire to accomplish.

 So too, plenty of people somehow seem to wallow in their pain and misery, and thereupon express such to friends, acquaintances, and family, without having a real interest in seeing that this pain and misery should ever dissipate.  Those who will not turn to the light are the very same who prefer to live in the shadows, for they fear that leaving what they are familiar with, might perhaps be worse, or they are simply fearful of the unknown and thereupon take comfort in what they do know, even though it isn’t what they claim to desire or want.

 Those who continue doing the wrong things or doing nothing constructive about what has sadly occurred to them, which places them in a position of unhappiness and despair, are the very same, that will not ever generate the escape velocity to get to where they ought to be, because they don’t ever avail themselves of what they could lean upon to get to where they should be.  Those who prefer darkness are the same that seem to prefer isolation, for those who cannot see are the same who do not know that within the darkness that surrounds them, is always a light and the opportunity that comes with such that if turned on, will help free them from their misery.

 While it is good to share our pains and troubles with one another, it is better if, with that sharing, we decide that we will do something of meaningful substance with our lives, for those who will not put forth the effort to improve their condition, for whatever reason, are not doing their good part to become that which they could be, for without light, we stumble here and there, and thereby progress is made much more difficult to come by.

 Look, it has to be said, that berating oneself over one’s failures, perhaps has its place, but it’s not going to do much to improve a given situation without appropriate positive actions.  So then, rather, than beating ourselves with a figurative stick, or having someone else do that to us, we need to wake up and activate the light that will permit us to actually see and to change our perspective for when we do see the light, we become better able to not only take in our surroundings but also to understand what we need to do, because Light eliminates the darkness, and from there opportunity abounds.