The unclean and evil dead / by kevin murray

Not everyone that incarnates in this world, goes on to live a good and fruitful life – for a misguided few become murderers, rapists, terrorists, and things of that bad ilk.  For some of these people, justice for them is served in this world through punishment of some suitable sort, perhaps then also giving those guilty of such heinous crimes a chance to change or to redeem themselves in order to be more properly prepared to meet their Maker.  Then there are those others, that having lived by the sword, thus have died by that same sword, and are duly and swiftly dispatched from this world into the next.  The question then becomes, what happens to those restless, evil, and unclean souls when they leave this physical dimension?


For some people they believe that those that have done evil deeds, basically stick around this earthly plane, for they are fearful of the judgement to come, and thus hope to find a susceptible body to possess for their own purposes, which is why we hear so many tales of demonic possession and the like.   So too, there are those that believe that very bad deeds necessitate the finality of an eternal hell -- as well as also those that believe that the unclean and bad souls must go to some sort of purgatory, in order to work out their karma and mistakes, to thus begin the process of cleansing their souls of its impurity.  The one thing that we can say with an almost certainty, is those that have done and have behaved in exceedingly bad faith in this world, aren’t somehow going to reach the celestial plane as if all is right, when it surely is not.


Those then that have displayed evil propensities on this earthly plane, have reaped a very bitter harvest, which is theirs to work out their karma from – which thus signifies that their soul qualities that are unbecoming, places them into a dimension in which the opportunity to become something of merit is the choice that they can so make.  Because God has provided us with free will, not all of those that have been bad, are wont to change a thing, which thus signifies that those of that stubborn or ill-advised sort will in whatever dimension that they so find themselves in, have to deal with the fact that they have voluntarily become outcasts from the only lasting sanctuary of meaning, which they can never occupy until they have become cleansed.


There are plenty of people, that believe that when they so die, and thus understand who and what they really are, that somehow, all is well, and therefore all is forgiven, and those then that have, for instance, been mortal enemies, will thus become potentially immortal friends.  As nice and convenient as this might be to theorize, that typically isn’t going to be the way that this so works; for even with those that recognize their wrong, they too understand that a mere recognition of error is never the same thing as correcting that error, which has to be accomplished in order to successfully transition from the unclean to the clean.