God cannot ever be tempted to do wrong / by kevin murray

Religions, especially in Western nations, often reflect what those in power, desire to see propagated by that religion on behalf of the people.  That is to say, while any religion can be of beneficence to the people, it is also possible to use religion as a way and means to control the population, to make the people fearful, and to therefore keep the people in line.  When it comes to Jesus the Christ, people believe all sorts of things, but the general consensus is that Christ is the “son of God,” meaning that Jesus the Christ is typically represented as a special creation of, or begotten of God, so meant for the salvation of the world.


In other words, Christ is considered to be part of the Holy Trinity as God, the Son, as “begotten, not made,” which essentially means that Christ, as incarnated into this world, was meant to signified, for all practical purposes, Christ as God.  The fundamental problem with this theory is that somehow, there is the belief, that God as incarnated here on earth, could thereby be subject to error, to sin, and to temptation as told to us in the Bible, in which Satan tempted Christ, in the hope that Christ would become not only sinful, but also would be in disharmony with God, of which, this did not occur.  In truth, this story doesn’t make much sense, for to believe that God, could ever become debased, would signify that God is not changeless, of which being changeless is a cardinal definition of the immutable God.


The more appropriate way to look at Jesus the Christ, is to see it from a human perspective, which is that Jesus was just as human as we are, subject then to error, to sin, and to temptation.  In this scenario, as a human being, Jesus could indeed stumble and fall, because each human being is provided with free will to do and to make decisions as that human being best sees fit.  This then does fairly represent that Jesus could be and was indeed tempted in many a time and situation, as well as Jesus also being capable of misjudgment and error – yet, through it all, Jesus proved the point to each of us, as fellow human beings, that if we would only keep our concentration and our fidelity to our one true Father, that everything that Jesus accomplished as the Christ, we too, could also accomplish.  That is to say, the message of Jesus the Christ, is that we are provided with the continual opportunity to do the right thing, and therefore our subsequent actions and thoughts, do matter, for the destiny of our eternal soul as well as for those that we interact with and influence.


In this world, there are going to be real challenges for all of us, which will test our character, and of which, Jesus the Christ, took upon himself to take on those challenges, not as some sort of special invincible creation of God, but as a human being, such as we are.  In that scenario, Jesus the Christ, could well have been compromised by Satan, but was not, because Christ did not give in to that which had foolishly rebelled against God.  That same choice, exists for each one of us, of which, the pathway has already been blazed for us, if only we would faithfully follow such.