Employer of last resort / by kevin murray

One of those things which has always seem senseless is to dole out money, food, and other accouterments to people without requiring that those people receiving those goods or corresponding aid actually do anything of substance in return.  No doubt, there are going to be a certain percentage of the people, that are, true wards of the state, because they are handicapped in one form or another that thus precludes them from doing gainful work – though, in truth, even those that appear to be challenged, are often quite capable of accomplishing some tasks of merit.  Indeed, there are plenty of people that are currently unemployed but are quite capable of accomplishing good work, with the proper training and direction, of which, this government should see that this is thus accomplished, for the mutual benefit of the people.  That is to say, all able-body people, almost without exception, that are capable of working and thus willing to work, should have training and then work assigned for them, which thus will provide the dual benefit, of that work so being done for the betterment of that society, as well as having that person then fairly earn their keep.


To believe that somehow there isn’t enough work to do in this nation, is belied by all the structural problems that this county has, of which, not a single major issue that the United States needs to address, has been fully and completely addressed in a comprehensive way.  Indeed, oftentimes what should be worked upon, is ignored, or underbudgeted, or left for another day.  That is to say, there are plenty of tasks that need to be accomplished, such as environmental cleanup of dangerous pollutants, bridge repair, reservoirs upkeep, sewer maintenance, safe water access, fire breaks, road repair, safer communities, playgrounds, parks, and so on and so forth.  All we need to do to understand what needs to be done is to simply note all of the frustrations that we have on a given day, of things that we wish were better, corrected, or repaired.


There is truly plenty of work to be done and in recognition that those that work for the government are working in a department that is not structured around the need or the requirement to make a profit -- understand then that to believe that private industry, somehow, is always going to be the answer in regards to absorbing those of the working age, to work for them, have got to realize that for-profit industries are exactly the same industries that are typically reluctant to pay a living wage, as well as to provide good benefits, because it will hurt their ability to be profitable, to grow, and to compete.


We do so find that the amount of monies spent on what is labeled as welfare, is estimated to be $1.19 trillion, as we read at budget.house.gov.  Further to the point, the labor participation rate is far below what would be considered to be full employment, of all those that are able and willing to work.  Those then that are willing to work, need to be provided with the opportunity to work, and to do so with the United States government as their employer of last resort, which will thus provide to the people of this nation, necessary infrastructure as well as other duties accomplished, and provide to those that are working for that government, a living wage, experience, and often an improvement of their self-worth.