None of the superrich will ever get into Heaven – not one! / by kevin murray

We read in Holy Scripture: “Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”  But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he was one who had great possessions.” (Matthew 19: 21-22)

Indeed, those that have massive wealth, are often reluctant to let go of that wealth, whatsoever; for they see that wealth as being what makes them of immense value to themselves as well as to others.  That is to say, heaven, is one of those things which is difficult to fathom, since it is not tangible, and so therefore, those that are the superrich, who never seem to believe that the grim reaper will ever snatch them away, are absolutely content upon relying on their riches to take care of any contingencies that may so arise, expected or unexpected.


In this world, wealth and connections are a definite source of power, and thus those that have that wealth and power are almost always reluctant to release their firm grip upon such.  The more astute of these superrich, recognize that perhaps it does avail them, to play both sides, and hence they are generous to many good organizations as well as being a benefit to the people, but in virtually every case when so doing these good deeds, they make sure that they will still have control of a vast treasure-trove of wealth so that they are protected from the vagaries of what may come their way.


The choice that each of us has to make, is whether we get our comfort from being a good servant to God, and thereby following the commandments of our God, or whether we feel more comfort in obtaining those necessary connections and wealth that will, in theory, serve to not only protect us, but to enhance our position, in society.  Those of the superrich, make that vote, each and every day, of which, their vote is always the same – which is to never relinquish their wealth because in the world that they are part of, they are used to that wealth opening up all sorts of doors and countless good opportunities that are exclusive for them.  Those of the superrich are not wrong in their thinking that wealth has its value, because indeed, it clearly and most definitely does.


The crux of the matter though for the superrich, is that for an absolute certainty, nobody can buy their way into heaven – and further to the point, God is no respecter of persons, so that all the earthly accouterments so rewarded, awarded, earned, or veritably stolen, aren’t ever going to resonate outside of this earthly dimension.  The superrich have often lorded it over others, perhaps with a gentle hand, perhaps not – but the game that they so play has been concentrated and directed upon wealth and power, of which, any generosity so demonstrated to others, is for the most part, a smokescreen.  Those of the superrich have indeed had their treasure and their time to enjoy such, though when they depart this world, they will be poor, indeed.