The Imperial Presidency / by kevin murray

In America, there are three branches that thus serve to form its national government, which are the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative.  When it comes to the Executive branch of government, this office has been from its inception, the office more than likely to aggrandize more power to it, not only because of the title of that Executive, which is the President of the United States, but also because there is only just one President, at a given time.  When it comes to the Judicial branch, there is a hierarchy of Judicial branches, from local, to the county, to the State, to the Federal, all the way up to the Supreme Court, of which, that Supreme Court is made up of nine judges.  As for the legislative branch, this is a bicameral legislature, with 100 Senators, and 435 Congressional representatives.


So then, for those rich and well-placed personages that wish to wield power, and thus to utilize their influence upon the governance of these United States, the best target to go after, has got to be the President of the United States, because as it has been said, the buck stops there.  Further to the point, power has a way of playing upon the mind of a given person, in which, those that make it their point to let those in powerful positions know that whatever that they so wish to happen, can indeed happen, often do find a willing audience to such, especially when the semantics are structured in a way and manner, in which, the taking of dramatic action will, in theory, be for the betterment of society.


At the present time, the President, may issue Executive Orders, which perform the function, that such so implies, in which, basically an end-around is made, by circumventing both the Judicial and Legislative branches, by simply issuing an Executive order, thus implemented through the signature of just the President for that respective Act.  The problem with this sort of power, or of any power in which the Judicial branch and/or Legislative branch is ignored, averted, or subverted is that the Executive branch pretty much takes on the mantle of being aristocratic in nature, which thus means that this country fails then to actually be a governance of, for, and by the people, at all.


The main issue to have with an Imperial Presidency is the fact that the President, through acting by their sole volition, is thus no longer accountable to the people; because for the most part, the people are an irrelevancy, and hence the President doesn’t need to be concerned about what the people do or don’t think about those Acts, so initiated, through the Executive Order of that President.  Additionally, whether or not the people end up agreeing with a given Executive Order, those very same people, have got to recognize that when the President has the power to order and to do whatsoever appeals to that President, or to execute orders at the behest of those that have the President’s ear, that this is in reality, a form of tyranny, which will in its effect, erode liberty and freedom, by replacing such with control, obedience, and submission.